Workmanship PT.KIM Will Hold Public Drainage Solid Program work

Workmanship PT.KIM Will Hold Public Drainage Solid Program work

MEDAN | GLOBAL SUMUT- Director of PT Kawasan Industri Medan (PT KIM) R.Achmad Boediono was accompanied by the Director of Finance, HR & Adi R. Ruli General and the Director of Operations and Development Aswin Nurdin Nasution told the media on Monday (12/09/2014) in the meeting room guesthouse Medan Industrial Estate Jalan Pulau Batam 1 KIM Complex Phase II - Medan, North Sumatra explain related flooding in Housing Complex Park Deli and public accusation SOE cause.

Directors PT.KIM to some media said, in fact this flooding problem is a shared responsibility not PT.KIM course, what else outside the region, it has become the responsibility of local governments. During this PT.KIM has tried as much as possible to overcome the drains, but in the rainy season flooding is always there and it is not solely from PT.KIM. So if you want to repair the water system in the correct order semua.Perlu also know that water flows from upstream and into the channel PT.KIM so that people accused of homes were flooded in from channel PT.KIM. Achmad clear Boediono. As alluded to ditch channel PT.KIM narrowed in Housing Complex Park Deli so water overflow.

Directors PT.KIM said to cope with the overflow of water in those channels in the future this state will do the job Intensive. Surrounding communities will be involved in each community we can resolve the issue so that there is pogram planning and direct supervision of the public clearly Achmad Boediono. (Abu / GS / Mdn)