Workers Block Door Toll Tanjung Morawa

Workers Block Door Toll Tanjung Morawa

Tanjung Morawa, (Analisa). Tens of thousands of workers from the various elements of labor organizations in North Sumatra, returned to block the toll booth Belmera, Tanjung Morawa, Monday (10/12). They demanded the Acting Governor of North Sumatra revised Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) in 2013.

One action coordinator, Bambang Hermanto, who is also the secretary SH DPD SBSI 1992 in a speech at the intersection of North Sumatra highway Belmera Tanjung Morawa, say, labor demand Deli Serdang Acting Governor of North Sumatra commit back changes UMP North Sumatra in 2013, which was 30 November 2012 and revised from Rp1.305.000, a Rp1.375.000. Labour urged UMP increased to Rp2, 2 million.

Sire action coordinator Harahap said the action as an effort to suppress Plt Gubsu Gatot Pujo Nugroho soon sign revised UMP Rp2, 2 million workers at will and not just ride Rp70 thousand.

Workers who are members of Workers Against Labor (PBM) consists of 27 elements laborers / workers, who estimated about 70 thousand workers will return to the streets demanding that the Plt Gubsu revise UMP North Sumatra from Rp1.375.000 to Rp2, 2 million.

Objectives of the workers doing the closing access roads cross Sumatra, with an action in front of the toll Belmera Tanjung Morawa. Then most of the mass of the Medan Medan perform closure of access road to the point of action-Belawan toll PT KIM I Mabar and Belawan toll road access and perform the final field-Langkat Binjai-Aceh with action points in Jalan Medan-Binjai Km 12.

Masses of workers PBM will perform simultaneous mass pickup to companies, in the subdistrict of Tanjung Morawa, PT KIM Mabar-Belawan-Sunggal-Binjai, explained Bambang.

Some companies are already anticipating the ongoing labor protests dismiss it with employees, such as PT Sari Incofood (Indocafe) dismiss workers who come in the morning, while employees started working at 13.00 hrs. But most other factories remain active.


Two workers who participated in the sweeping action, the moment had come under persecution menyeser in one factory in the Industrial Road Tanjung Morawa B. Both, Heru and Andie who suffered bruises caused by a blow on the arm and the face.

"We've made an official complaint to the Police, Bang. The complaint is still our watch, let the police do not play games on it, "said the king Harahap to analysis.

Resentment against Billy Pujo Nugroho workers are deemed incapable of revising the UMP as they wish, expressed in a number of speeches were delivered the frontman workers. Like the king Harahap, Bambang Hermanto, and others who criticized the lack of a Billy.

"Today, we Gubsu Plt value is very cowardly. We ask him to come here to see labor as the action on 21 November, but he did not dare. In fact Billy to Jakarta, "Bambang Hermanto denounces.

Monitoring Analysis, the action ended late in the evening so that the impact on traffic congestion in Jalinsum. Avoid prolonged congestion, divert traffic cop traffic flow.

The vehicles from the Lubuk Pakam to Medan via Jalan Manis Batangkuis and Lemons. Then for from Medan to Lubuk Pakam direction, must turn back toward the direction of District Batangkuis Sandpaper through Tembung.

Block Jalan Medan-Binjai

While the labor action was also held at Jalan Soekarno Hatta Village Resource Rejo, District East Binjai. Labor action started at 7:00 pm with riding a motorcycle resulting in traffic jam on Jalan Lintas Sumatra (Jalinsum) linking Binjai-Medan.

Mince Simatupang DPD Workers Union National Secretary (NES) and coordinator of the workers in his statement to reporters saying, they will not stop the action until the demands are met, which is the UMP Rp2, 2 million.

In accordance with the notice Against Workers 'Union (PBM), the workers will continue the action until Plt Gubsu Billy decided to raise workers' wages. "We will continue to take action until next Wednesday, if not also no clarity of Plt Gubsu action will continue," said Mince.

Monitoring analysis, traffic congestion is not only due to the efforts of some of the road blockade, but also due to the sweeping action of the masses of workers who performed around the region.

After making speeches from early morning until 14.00 pm, hundreds of workers from the city Binjai, Langkat district, Deli Serdang Sunggal and walked to Medan. They will be joined by fellow workers who had gathered at the three-point Medan.

Paralyzed Belawan Port

Belawan Port and Belawan International Container Terminal (BICT) paralyzed for six hours following a rally of thousands of workers who are members of trade unions in demanding revision of the UMP, Monday (10/12).

Blocking action Kingdom Port Road which is the main access in and out of the Port of Belawan and Ocean Fishery Harbour and BICT Belawan, besides resulting in traffic terkendalanya unloading trucks also make public transport vehicles bound for the Chart Deli disturbed.

Because none of the four-wheeled vehicles are allowed through the barricades burunjuk labor demonstration in Port Road junction Kingdom.

To menghempang labor effort motorcycle convoy into port, security officers had to close the entrance to the Port of Belawan in containers.

From observation analysis, the movement of large-scale demonstrations began with workers sweeping action in any company / industry or factories still operating in Medan Industrial Area (KIM) I, II and III.

After gathering at the gate KIM I Mabar, workers resumed sweeping along Jalan Commodore ODOT Sea from KIM to Belawan, in order to gain support among factory workers that they crossed.

Arriving in the village of Salam intersection Belawan, workers confronted police officers and the Marines that their action was not until the close access to the motorway Belmera.

Even the workers also had to vent their frustration at the entrance to the Port of New Edge Belawan, by throwing office Pelindo Belawan Container Depots with stones.

Furthermore, thousands of workers are concentrated rallying point and make speeches around the roundabout entrance to the Port of Belawan. In his speech, the Acting Governor of North Sumatra worker asked Billy Pujo Nugroho Sumatra to urge councils to revise the wages of workers in North Sumatra from Rp1.375 000 to Rp2, 2 million.

"Wages are still low considering the price of our basic needs are very expensive, for that wage increases should continue to be fought," cried the workers said the Government should be able to refer to North Sumatra Jakarta UMP Rp2, 2 million were approved.

After more than six hours of blocking Kingdom Harbour Road, at approximately 17:00 pm, the workers are slowly dissolve each with a fixed order with a platoon of officers under guard Belawan Port Police, Polair Poldasu platoon officer and a platoon of Marines.

The impact of labor action, a number of industries in the KIM I, II and III are not operating due to almost all employees participate berujuk flavor. Visible only some workers and security guards keep watch in front of the plant in anticipation of mass disruption.