UMP is final Rp1.375.000

UMP is final Rp1.375.000

MEDAN - Acting (Acting) Governor of North Sumatra (Sumatra) Gatot Pujo Nugroho expect labor protests conducted immediately stopped. Since 2013, the enactment UMP was part of efforts does. Even for the second time set wages higher than the proposed regional councils (Depeda). While separate from the observation in the field, people also began to fret the field actions are considered to violate workers their rights.

"I appreciate this labor action, but we were on behalf of the government and people ask, ask and ask again to our friends that we have been very labor maximal efforts in the establishment of the UMP. Two years in a row we have raised wages above Depeda proposal, "said Billy told reporters today in the governorate.
As known in 2011 and then, Billy rejected the proposed increase in the 2012 proposed UMP Rp1.107.500 Depeda is then set into Rp1.200.000. The same was done when Billy Depeda propose UMP 2013 which later increased to Rp 1.305 million. Then the demands of the workers and the condition of minimum wage in other provinces, wage re-raised to Rp1.375.000.

Highlighting the continued Billy, that increase is still welcome the business world despite only two years UMP Depeda set above recommendation. Currently UMP Sumatra is the second highest in Sumatra after Aceh.

For that Billy labor regretted if the action this time based on the information received has led to the stabbing incident. Things like that he does not need to happen.

Among the workers he had a better understanding of the decision that has been set by him. Due to demands for wage increases above the proposed Depeda it has done since its inception. North Sumatra provincial government continues to make efforts to promote the welfare of workers.

However, it should be realized as well as conditions in the districts / cities such as Bharat Pakpak, Humbang Hasundutan and Nias. If the minimum wage is set too high it many counties / cities were affected.

Therefore, the UMP is not really indicative of the increase in wages. Only references for districts / cities to set MSE. "The pay was not so references UMP. But MSEs and Sectoral Minimum Wage, "said Billy.
For that he has initiated on Thursday (13/12) will invite Regency / City Government to discuss the issue of wages in the district / city. Because until now there has been no suggestion of MSE at hand. "Thursday we are meeting with the regents and mayors. This (wage) will be our focus. Until now there has been no suggestion of MSE on my desk, "said Billy.
Demo of workers demanding cancellation of Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) 2013 North Sumatra set of Rp1.375.000 to Rp2.2 million, can not be denied recent upheaval for the people of North Sumatra (North Sumatra). Without exception the people of Medan. Moreover, the actions of the workers held, to cause unrest and coupled action protocol blocking roads in Medan and other areas.

"My actions may not also labor is forbidden, because it is allowed to express their aspirations and demands. But actually, it inhibits demos other community activities that do not come march. Arguably if not disturbed, so not possible," said Joseph (38) , tourism bus driver response when asked by reporters today.

Presented single men who live in Plough Road III, Village Harjosari II, District Field sandpaper again, the action of the workers are expected to do egosi and even inhibit other community activities.

"Other People's also willing to work, to seek sustenance. Seeking a living for his family. Riot if the demo, keep the roads are blocked, people become afraid. So it can not work. Could not help but be not working, is it pity too. Yeah let on Finally, because the demo so people can not make a living. We hope the demo could be more polite, it is safe. We as people always want to be safe. If it is safe, want to work, want this, want it so bad. not harm other people, "he said .

Also felt the same disappointment, Sahudin (50), Delta Taxi drivers, who daily around the city of Medan to search passengers. The man who is familiarly called Udin, Patumbak resident was admitted, since Monday (3/12) last week, he did not work. Same meaning, Udin should switch professions for a while looking for a second job.

"From the beginning of last week have started to not work, because everywhere demo. Buttcrack, the street is blocked, the road was blocked. How would pass? If the demo so demolah, but other people do not become victims. Now mocok-mocoklah. If possible, come on over.'ll bias the taxi pulled again, "said Udin, who claimed to have eight years, so the taxi driver since 1994.

Father of two children also had said, the result of odd jobs outside of her regular job as a taxi driver, no less than his income dipungkirinya of transporting passengers.

Udin able to reap the average revenue per day of transporting passengers, around 100 thousand. While the income by way of mocok-mocok these, a maximum of 50 thousand.