Tomorrow, workers will do a demonstration

Tomorrow, workers will do a demonstration

JAKARTA - Indonesian Labour Labour Council (MPBI) prepare workers protest on Wednesday (13/3) with a number of agenda, by visiting government agencies and the Commission.

"Our peaceful protest did from 10.00 am until 17.00 pm," said Head of Information and Communication Confederation of Indonesian Trade Union (KSPI), which is one element in MPBI Roni Febrianto in Jakarta, today.
He explained that the activities carried out in connection with the holding period of 5000 Peace Action Labor MPBI from East Java and Greater Jakarta.
He explained that the first action initiated in the Supreme Court rejected a lawsuit brought the agenda Apindo Mojokerto related material testing regulation No. 72 year 2012 on the MSE 2013 and rejected claims of judicial ABADI about Permenaker No. 19 in 2012 on the transfer of power (outsorshing)
The second action, proceed to the Interior Ministry, with the agenda refusing revision Pasuruan District No. 22 in 2012 on the system of labor administration in Pasuruan by Minister
Furthermore, the action conducted with the City Hall administration with an agenda rejected suspension MSE Jakarta.
Action continues to the minister refused to carry the agenda and dismiss the Commissioner of Social Security of the elements of workers who had been refused Social Security Agency (BPJS).
Then, followed by visiting the National Human Rights Commission urging the dismissal of nine anti-human rights commissioner for democracy.
According to Roni Febrianto, the last action performed to the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, the agenda refusing suspension MSE Administration, Social Security Commissioner urged the dismissal of workers from the elements, as well as the urgent revision of Presidential Decree No. 12 of 2013 and Law No. 2012 on the Regulation 101 (Beneficiary Contribution)
"You have to get along and Indonesian workers continue to move in unison so dignified. If workers with dignity, the Indonesian nation prosperous," he said.