Thousands of Workers Back Block Access Toll-Medan Belawan

Thousands of Workers Back Block Access Toll-Medan Belawan

Belawan, (Analisa). Thousands of workers rallied again rejected the revised minimum wage in various areas of Medan and Deli Serdang, Tuesday (11/12). They came back and blocked access to the motorway exit Belmera, in Belawan and Tanjung Morawa. As a result, the road around the region bogged down.

From observation, the labor movement which began in the 07.00 am from Simpang KIM I Mabar as was the case on Monday, pick up the action as well with the masses (sweeping) in any company that they crossed.

Concentrations of thousands of workers who bike convoy had split. Most of them had blocked the intersection of Village Sicanang Belawan, causing long traffic jams, approximately three kilometers.

While others tried to break through the gates of the Port of New Edge Belawan and Harbour Street Kingdom. But the effort failed labor after hundreds of police officers menghempang motion and coupled with the closure of access ports with two 20 feet container units.

Unable to enter the Port of Belawan, eventually thousands of workers were concentrated action at the crossroads of three Kampung Salam Belawan so shut out access highway Belmera until late afternoon.

Even some labor groups gave speeches near the intersection of Jalan Medan Belawan. Estimated number of workers rallied today is greater than the previous day.

Nearly all day laborers turns giving speeches in front of the masses, who still gets the supervision of officers Ditpolair Poldasu, Belawan Port and Marine Police.

In peaceful times, the workers occasionally sing ditingkahi dancing together through music from the loudspeakers turned on that they bring to the car pick up.

Uniquely they present nyayian Gangnam-style rapper style. In the song they requested the Acting Gubsu soon sign revised UMP determination to Rp2, 2 million.

The impact of the action of various union workers, the activity of loading and unloading trucks in the northern port city of Medan came back lame.

When the demo took place in the village of Salam, incidents of vandalism of the cars affected Toyota Avanza stones.

Presumably this destruction associated pique some mobs against the red plate car driver. In addition, almost clashes with residents in Kampung workers Salam.

Clashes in Tanjung Morawa

Sweeping action also done to factories located in Medan Industrial Area (KIM) Star in Tanjung Morawa, to clashes with officers. As a result, seven workers had to be evacuated to the hospital for injuries.

Two men received treatment in hospital Cempaka Sari Tanjung Morawa, namely Romanda Sumangkli seriously injured in the head, ears, and feet due to police batons and stamping, as well as M Anggi Noble allowed home after receiving medical treatment.

Three workers were seriously injured in hospital Grand Medistra Lubuk Pakam, Hari Mukti left hand fracture (broken cane) and a number of bruises on the head by a police baton hit, Maulana Abdillah head leak and had to get six stitches, sprained Anga Eka Syahputra legs and got five stitches in his head that was leaking. All three are still hospitalized.

While Edi Setiawan and Bayu only outpatient. A coordinator action against Labour Labour (PBM), Bambang Hermanto the analysis said the clash occurred when they were bringing in employees who will enter second shift at PT Kedaung to join the rally. But the security company to provoke them.

At the same time, hundreds of police arrived and immediately dispel them by beating the mass of workers with clubs. "Even among us there were trampled to bone fractures and a dislocated leg again," said Bambang.

When the concentration of labor splits partially save yourself and some friends to help the injured, police confiscated 15 workers and took them to the police station Deli Serdang.

Bambang accompanied Majesty Harahap still take care of the victims in hospital Grand Medistra, have not had time to visit the workers detained in Mapolres. However, that night they were soon to Mapolres to negotiate and release their colleagues.

Office Gubsu

Thousands of workers also blocked Jalan Diponegoro Medan North Sumatra governor's office.

Action of thousands of the workers who are members of several labor organizations are the aspirations orderly and lasted only about two hours from 16:00 to 18:00 pm and got an escort from the police.

Due to labor action that closed the road forced the front office Gubsu traffic diverted through Jalan Kartini and Cut Nyak Dien.

Invite Communicate

While Acting Gubsu Gatot Pujo Nugroho invites workers and workers communicate with regents and mayors with city council districts that wage Minimum Wage Regency / City (MSE) is higher than the provincial minimum wage (UMP).

Communicate well with the prevailing wage is the MSE if possible on the UMP revised and set at Rp1.375.000 according to the conditions and circumstances of each county and city.

It was delivered by the Acting Gubsu through Sekdaprovsu H Nurdin Lubis SH MM accompanied Kadis Nakertrans Provsu Bukit Tambunan and Vice Chairman of the Board Remuneration Sumut believer told reporters on Tuesday (11/12).

"In terms of labor costs in the near future Plt Gubsu will invite all regents and mayors as Sumatra that there is a common understanding in the determination of the MSEs are expected to remain essentially observe and weigh the welfare of the workers and employees," said Acting Gubsu.

According to Acting Gubsu, UMP increases that have been revised and published by Rp1.375.000 no longer possible due to the determination of Rp1.375.000 UMP had been considering various aspects and the best.

Sekdaprovsu spoken, Acting Gubsu UMP Rp1.305.000 revise it gets a reaction from the unions / workers, labor representatives / employees who attended the meeting were invited back Apindo, board remuneration and Kadisnaker Provsu led the meeting.

"The result of the meeting it was agreed that there should be an increase but not specified how many, and father Billy Pujonugroho Plt Gubsu raise to Rp Rp1.375.000," Nurdin said as he revealed in the last year including the establishment UMP slow so we do not want to repeat the event this year and setting UMP fairly quickly.

Added Bukit Tambunan, that will reward districts / cities should not lower his MSE from the UMP. "So we expect wage in the county / city to raise it above the UMP us," please Bukit.