Thousands of Personnel Ready to Secure Workers Demo

Thousands of Personnel Ready to Secure Workers Demo

Sweeping' Anarchist Firm Prosecuted

Medan, (Analysis). Poldasu predicts a national scale labor strike that lasted 24 to 27 November will paralyze some vital locations and objects. To that end, police officers consisting of one unit of company rank (SSK) Dit Polair Poldasu, 1 platoon Sabhara personnel, 300 personnel plus 1,250 Poldasu Sat Brimob Police personnel will be involved in the security field.

"An estimated 2,000 people Joint Workers' Sumatra Against (GABPSUM) and 33 other elements are predicted to make a protest to the Office of the Governor of North Sumatra, North Sumatra DPRD, Office of the Mayor of Medan, Mayor of Binjai, Regent Office Deli Serdang, Sergai and KIM I, II and III , "said Head of Public Relations North Sumatra Police, Police Commissioner Helfi Assegaf, Monday (23/11).

Not only that, the seven elements of labor consisting of the Alliance of Workers of the Movement of Indonesia, Agree, PSPI, JRMK, Germades, Formikom, KRA will also strike similar to the target Office of the Governor of North Sumatra, North Sumatra DPRD, Office of the Mayor of Medan, Manpower North Sumatra Province ,

"In the action could have been masses will be to block highway, sweeping towards the employees or workers. The issue plan of action to do is address the Regulation No. 78 Year 2015 on Equal Remuneration, consolidated results by recommending all of Indonesia for the purpose of forcing heads of regions (governors, mayors, regent) revoke and refuse PP as well as demanding higher wages to 25 percent, "he explained.

Prediction Insecurity

Poldasu too, continued Helfi, predicting several vulnerabilities that could occur, such as blocking roads and closing the entrance road toll is feared to cause a disturbance of security, safety, orderliness and smoothness (kamseltibcar) then.

Besides increasing criminality crimes such as burglary, pickpocketing, extortion and looting. The lid shopping centers, shopping and entertainment attractions.

The possibility of insecurity due to the labor strike, he said, causing mass congestion due to disband after the implementation of the protests.

For that, strictly speaking, this situation is expected not to rise into anarchy. So, some functionality will be maximized as, pre-emptive by reducing the power of the mass of the element groups of workers. Wary of groups that take advantage of the moment of penetration, and directing the flow of alternatives where labor action toward the goal of action detrimental to public interest

While in the North Sumatra Police preventive function will carry out escort and canalization of mass action to target the action, carrying out mapping (mapping) unras strength and prepare personnel oversee the implementation unras.

"Later, the police put forward the persuasive action and avoiding counterproductive measures and prevent arrogance of members in the field of action that triggers an emotional protesters and did penega the criminal law against perpetrators explicitly," he said.

Decisive Prosecuted

Belawan Port police station ready to crack down on anarchy sweeping action when done to a number of trade unions in the KIM company, in order to seek the support of massive protests during the next three days.

"For that we will exert strength up to 700 personnel, in guarding the labor protests," said Chief Superintendent Edy Suwandono Belawan Port, in meetings and discussions with the company in the hall Asperkim PT KIM (Persero).

Basically, the police did not obstruct step demo labor union collective aspirations in an effort to reject the Government Regulation No. 78 Year 2015 concerning the remuneration.

Only, said Edy, who was accompanied Wakapolres Commissioner Joshua Tampubolon, with a mass mobilization that too much can lead to insecurity and chaos feared happened.

As demonstrations of workers some time ago, coordinator of labor protests in seeking the support of fellow workers of other companies, impressed coercing.

Especially when sweeping in the area of ​​Medan Industrial Estate, when approached by a company that does not allow the workers to participate, they are desperate to break through the fence of the building by damaging the company.

Through meeting with the company in KIM stage 1 to V, the police chief urged the companies to agree on limiting the number of participants of workers who participated in the demonstration.

"Maximum per company only sent two workers to the rally," he said that the officer who escorted up to a certain point be able to control it.

On that occasion, representatives of some companies in KIM and of Asperkim Indra Boy, proposes to prevent sweeping effort, it is necessary to put the workers who participated in the gate KIM I Mabar.

In addition, it is also necessary deterrence and restrictions on the movement of the car carrying the sound system of the labor action.

Representatives of the company in KIM KIM Siringoringo also asked state-owned enterprises provide full support for the police. Hopefully, despite the protests but in KIM security conditions remain conducive.

5,000 Workers

Separately reported, at least 5,000 workers from 35 elements demonstrating reject Government Regulation No. 78 Year 2015 concerning wage today, Tuesday (24/11).

"The latest information obtained from the 35 elements, there are 5,000 people (workers) will carry out demonstrations in the field, namely in the office of the Governor of North Sumatra and several other locations," said police chief Medan Police Commissioner Mardiaz Kusin Dwihananto, during a rally at Freedom Square on Monday (23/11).

Disclosed, 5,000 workers who staged a come from various areas in North Sumatra namely Serdang Bedagai, Deli Serdang, Binjai, and Belawan. The action is centered in the office of the Governor of North Sumatra Jalan Diponegoro, Medan.

Mardiaz mention, as a result of the demonstrations had closed a number of companies, such as in the area of ​​Medan Sunggal-Binjai. "In Sunggal close all companies, is likely to present all (workers) from there, but it's in other areas, we are also negotiating for the owner of the company in order to remain in operation and did not stop the operation," said Mardiaz.

In order to secure that runs conducive labor action, Mardiaz said 1,251 personnel deployed to guard the workers and anticipating sweeping action led to clashes. The personnel deployed at a number of points namely North Sumatra DPRD Jalan Imam Bonjol, Mayor of Medan Jalan Raden Saleh, and a number of other locations in Medan.

Unknown, this labor action refused and asked the government to revoke Regulation No. 78/2015 on wages as it is considered in violation of the Constitution of 1945 section 27 about a decent life. This action was held for four days until 27 November 2015, and simultaneously held in Indonesia. (yy / maa / hen)