The Investor KIM Service Complains of Poor

The Investor KIM Service Complains of Poor

Medan, (Analysis). The investors a number of companies who take shelter in Kawasan Industri Medan (KIM), complained about still poor facilities and infrastructure managed services state-owned PT KIM (Persero).

Among them there are the streets of the region that are not well maintained. As with many holes and garbage that makes KIM dirty streets.

Including solid waste garbage discarded in landfills (TPA). Likewise, no processed wastewater treatment plan, where there is still a dump garbage into the ditch KIM. So that waste disposal can lead to trench blockage of air and water pollution.

This is expressed by the businessmen who are members of the Association of Industrial area (Asperkim), headed by Indra Boy, along with Traffic Organization Communication Forum (Forkaliga) Budi Dharma SH with Director M. Noor Sahib, in his press conference on Monday (15/2).

In fact, during this quote KIM maintenance fees, which are charged to investors' routine land ownership is not comparable with the total service of KIM

In fact, there are more citations neighborhood parking fees from investors in phase 1-2 KIM, KIM set very disturbing residents. Moreover, the price tariffs unilaterally, given the continued KIM streets damaged and uncomfortable crossed.

Not only that, public street lighting lamps (LPJU) region never existed, of course, vulnerable to crime such as robbery which recently increased. 

Another matter of bridges (flyovers) between KIM KIM 1 and 2, which are often jammed, causing the queue of vehicles along the 2 km, every day at rush hour. Besides the problem of clean water is managed by PT KIM, water quality standards and the stock is not sufficient for investors.


In a press release also mentioned, for services to investors also seem complicated, as the process to obtain a permit recommendation. Among them building permits, business and designation of land.

Even in carrying out this kind of cooperation in providing industrial land, PT KIM also charge a sales fee of 7-8 percent royal. Adalagi alleged demand 'special' KIM is outside of the content of the cooperation agreement is agreed upon.

Responding to this investor complaints, President Director of PT KIM (Persero) Ruly Raden Adi affirm, Persero KIM did not collect illegal to investors or other third parties, except that it has become an obligation and a formal entrance to the KIM.

Licensing and recommendation to KIM, is now very easy long as it meets the requirements and is free of charge.

Vendor (partners) are also forbidden to give rewards to all human KIM (Persero) and even obliged to sign an integrity pact.

Payments to vendors none is complicated KIM, all the requirements of a complete bill 'Because I will not bill an incomplete process, as opposed to GCG,' called Raden Ruly.

While there are suspicions problem parking rates quoted in the wild by a particular party. Because in this case, it is only applying the security quotation pass, considering KIM is vital objects must be closed and secure.

On the issue of water, said Ruly, KIM never forced investors use water that is managed by PT KIM. Just remind forbidden to use underground water, because it is prohibited by law instead of KIM.

At present, the recognition of net water capacity KIM has reached 250 000 m3, but the new absorbed 100 000 m3. "That means it is still very capable of supplying the needs of investors in KIM," he explained.

For sewage treatment KIM (Persero) propernya blue. This means that waste management in KIM is good enough.

He also questioned where the solid waste is not transported. Related to their indiscriminate waste disposal, he said, some investors are unscrupulous deeds and this will be dealt with firmly.

As for public street lighting lamps were not functioning, it will solve the problem before the new security system installed again. Since it was nearly 100 lampposts in the dic KIM