The handover of trade pedicabs to vendors around the Medan Industrial Area on Saturday, August 17, 2024.

The handover of trade pedicabs to vendors around the Medan Industrial Area on Saturday, August 17, 2024.

Medan, August 17, 2024

PT Kawasan Industri Medan provided trade pedicabs to vendors around the Medan Industrial Area on Saturday, August 17.

The aid was handed over by Mr. Daly Mulyana (President Director), Mr. Arista Febri Eriyawan (Director of Finance, HR, and Risk Management), Mr. M. Hita Tunggal (Director of Development and Operations), Mrs. Tina Daly Mulyana (Chairwoman of the IIK), Mrs. Dade M. Hita Tunggal (Deputy Chairwoman of the IIK), and the TJSL Team.

This assistance is part of the TJSL Program and is expected to bring benefits, convenience, and be used as intended.