State Secretary, Government Agencies Have All Day Miracle Pancasila Degree Ceremony

State Secretary, Government Agencies Have All Day Miracle Pancasila Degree Ceremony

Secretary of State ( State Secretary ) Silalahi has asked all government agencies to be held Pancasila Miracle Day ceremonies on October 1, 2013 in each of the working environment , the atmosphere is solemn , orderly and simple .

Secretary of State submitted the request through a letter dated 20 September 2013 addressed to the Chairman of the State Agency , the Minister , military commander , Chief of Police , the Attorney General , the Governor of Bank Indonesia , the head of the Ministry of Non-Government Organization ( LPNK ) , the Governors , Regents and Mayors throughout Indonesia , the pipinan SOE / SOE , and the Chief Representative of the Republic of Indonesia abroad .

In the organization of the guidebook included in the letter , State Secretary Sudi Silalahi said , Pancasila Miracle Day on Oct. 1 is owned by the Indonesian nation . " The values ​​embodied in it in order to really be lived and practiced so that may be undermining the strength to cope with the Republic of Indonesia , " he said .

He said the theme of the commemoration of Pancasila Kesaktian nationally in 2013 is "Creating The values ​​of Pancasila as the Nation Personality " .
So President Irup

Meanwhile, on the anniversary of Pancasila peak Miracle Day , October 1, 2013 , to be held in Pancasila Sakti Monument , Jl . Pancasila Sakti , Lubang Buaya , East Jakarta , President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is scheduled to act as Inspector ceremony . As for who will act as commander was Brigadier General totok ceremony Rinanto S.
Readers Nasakah act as Chairman of the Pancasila is the Regional Representative Council ( DPD ) Irman Gusman ; Readers 1945 opening text : Assembly Speaker Sidharto Danusubroto ; Readers and signing the Pledge : House Speaker Marzuki Alie , and Reader 's Prayer : Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali .