Soft Launching Applications e-Sumatra, KPK Expect Following City District

Soft Launching Applications e-Sumatra, KPK Expect Following City District

MEDAN, WOOL - Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) HT Erry Nuradi do a soft launch of the Proposed Electronic Applications Musrenbang integrated North Sumatra Province (e-Sumatra) at the Santika Hotel Medan on Monday (28/11).

Launching e-Sumatra was witnessed and attended by the Chairman of the Coordinating Supervision Prevention (Korsupgah) Commission Adlinsyah Nasution, Acting Inspector General of the Ministry of Interior Sri Wahyu, representatives of the city of Surabaya, the DPD RI Rizal Sirait, Kakanwil BPN Bambang Pryono, Head of BI Sumatra A Johansyah , Chairman of North Sumatra DPRD Wagirin Arman, head of North Sumatra BPKP Muliana, FKPD Provsu, and all the mayors and regents in North Sumatera.

Gubsu Erry on the occasion said, as one of the province that received supervision by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the Provincial Government of North Sumatra (Pemprovsu) committed would do better to realize a province that is free of corruption, more transparent, aspirational and efficient to meet planning purposes in accordance with the principle money follows the priority program.

'' The realization of these commitments, one of which is marked with Soft Launching Electronic Application System Proposed Musrenbang integrated North Sumatra Province (e-Sumatra), the '' call Erry.

Erry said the implementation of a soft launch is in line with the agenda of the second and fourth Nawacita National Development Plan 2015-2020 which build clean governance, effective, democratic and credible. And strengthen the presence of the state in reforming the system and law enforcement corruption-free, dignified, and reliable.

Similarly, contained in the first mission RPJMD North Sumatra Province (2013-2018), which mandates the ongoing reform of the bureaucracy in order to realize good governance and clean pemeritah (Good Governace and Clean Government). As well as the first priority of development of North Sumatra province, namely the increase of religious life, the rule of law, strengthening good governance (Good Goavernance), public service and community participation in development.

"I expect with a soft launch of this will grow in Pemprovsu information disclosure as well as support for building Smart Program Province. Thus the e-Sumatra application can access the public through a link eplaning.sumutprov.go.id applications, "said Erry.

Erry also mentioned there are six main objectives to be taken out of the planning process by using e-Sumatra application, first, the conversion of conventional planning and implementation of a systematic method to an electronic-based. Second, the drafting of procedures and data flow planning process in accordance with the development of regulations and policies. Third, facilitate the availability of information in decision making in order to achieve improved quality of development planning activities are effective and efficient.