Signing of MoU between PT.KIM, Tourism Department of North Sumatera and Densu
1. This MoU was signed by Executive Director of Dentsu Mr.Junichiro Kubota and President Director of PT.Kawasan Industri Medan Trisilo Ari Setyawan, Head Department of North Sumatera Mrs. Dr.Ir.Hj.Hidayati, M.Si and President Director PT.Kawasan Industri Medan Mr. Trisilo Ari Setyawan, Head Department of North Sumatera Mrs. Dr.Ir.Hj.Hidayati and Executive Director Dentsu Mr.Junichiro Kubota
2. The signing of this MoU is an early gateway for cooperation and synergy between PT.KIM and Denstu. PT.KIM wants to be part of tenant and investor by providing an area with all facilities and good service in accordance with PT.KIM tagline that is Your Partner in Integrated Solution and Services.
3. As a global partner of joint infrastructure development in KSO KIM development plan and Integrated Marketing Development we believe Dentsu as a large group has networking and expertise in the field. And on this occasion PT.KIM also want to increase cooperation with North Sumatra Tourism Department because they are North Sumatera assets, with the mission to create harmonization of industrial tourism in North Sumatera by collaboration the beauty of North Sumatra tourism and investment value in industrial area to the investors. This is a marketing breakthrough PT.KIM to the modern industrial area.
4. Dentsu and Tourism Agency North Sumatera who has become a partner PT.KIM in communication and information about the development of investment opportunities in Medan Industrial Estate and this commitment will soon be poured in the signing of the MoU.