Rini Soemarno: Historic day, high ranking officials of the Ministry of SOEs Add 6 People

Rini Soemarno: Historic day, high ranking officials of the Ministry of SOEs Add 6 People

Jakarta -Pada hari ini, Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno melantik 6 pejabat eselon I Kementerian BUMN. Menurut Rini, ini merupakan persitiwa bersejarah karena pejabat eselon I Kementerian BUMN bertambah 6 orang.

"It may be a historic day. We added 6 echelon in the state. Echelon I finished 10. This restructuring is great. It really carry a greater workload. Ministry of SOEs do restruktrisasi. Now not only coaching but also the development and supervision," Rini clear in the inauguration at the Ministry of Enterprise, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta, Monday (07/27/2015).

Rini said, once the Ministry of SOEs only concentrate on SOE supervision only. Now, the Ministry of SOEs to add functionality to the development and management of SOEs.

"SOE as well as private companies looking for profit, private company as an agent of development. Echelon I and II of the Ministry of SOEs different functionality than ever before," said Rini.

Through the widening of the organizational structure of the ministry, the Ministry of SOEs is expected to be even stronger for the oversight, management, and development of SOEs in Indonesia.

"SOE is able to take part, healthier, and recognize the environment as agents of development," said Rini.