Restrictions on Fuel Subsidy Still Not Clear, But Continues Continues

Restrictions on Fuel Subsidy Still Not Clear, But Continues Continues

Jakarta - The government will continue its program subsidized fuel restriction for vehicles owned, state-owned and public enterprises, but the program is still not clear, especially the lack of technical instructions in the field.

"Please just want to continue, we just run Pertamina, an important rule is clear," said Vice President of Corporate Comunications PT Pertamina (Persero), Ali Mundakir, in Jakarta, Friday (28/12/2012).

But Ali said, if they want to proceed, evaluating such restrictions as to what program? Who implement the rule whom? What kind of sanctions? Because all this just a mere suggestion.

"Well if you want to continue so long as the restriction of program evaluation is like what? Restrictions implementing rules for who? Sanctions like? Because so far only in the form of an appeal, let alone what it iya gas station attendant dare refuse or prohibit the purchase of fuel subsidies despite the sticker, if the police because the police should be given the authority, if the gas station attendant?, "said Ali.

Moreover, Ali said to date there are no restrictions on program guidelines for vehicle fuel subsidy the government, state enterprises and enterprises in the field even though the program is already running started last July 2012.

"Directive implementation just is not there, where? Until now I have not received, this would be obstacles on the ground, trying to who is entitled to prohibit the purchase of fuel subsidy," added Ali.

Formerly, Director of Fuel BPH Migas, said Djoko Siswantoo per January 1, 2013 the premium limitation for government vehicles, local governments, state enterprises and enterprises will continue to Borneo and Sumatra, which had previously been applied to the Java-Bali.

"So January 1, 2013 all official vehicles in the Java-Bali, Kalimantan and Sumatra prohibited pakaii premium, but special Java-Bali is not only premium but also solar, too, March 1 whole vehicle mines and plantations throughout Indonesia banned use of fuel subsidy, so also for non-service freighter folk and non-pioneer prohibited use of fuel subsidy, if all goes well there will be savings of as much as 2.2 million fuel subsidy or about 10 trillion per year, "said Djoko.