Residents Protest Tangkahan Sewerage KIM

Residents Protest Tangkahan Sewerage KIM

Medan, (Analysis). About 300 residents Tangkahan village, subdistrict of Medan Labuhan rally protesting the indiscriminate disposal of waste, from a plant in Kawasan Industri Medan (KIM), which has a trench drain local residents, Wednesday (16/11).

In a peaceful demonstration carrying various banners and posters in front of the PT KIM (Persero), the residents accused the management of SOEs has made public deception.

Because in 2006, the KIM has promised to address this issue and ready to crack down on companies that shelter KIM if proven to carelessly dispose of waste streams to ditch the citizens.

"But until this year the promise is not being fulfilled, for why we came to demand it," said Muhammad Nasir, a member of Parliament representing the citizens of the city of Medan when giving speeches in front of the main entrance of the building PT KIM.

They also assessed the management of waste installations and supervision KIM is still not good, so a lot of companies take shelter in the state was deliberately throw waste into the trenches of society.

Impact of sewage flowed into the ditch when the heavy rain, making the trench water overflowing into residential and cause citizens to itch and cause foul smell.

On that occasion legislators of the PAN faction Terrain T Bahrumsyah who was also present, threatened to take the case of waste PT KIM to police investigators. Because based on Law Number 32 Year 2009 regarding the Environment, waste disposal without going through the correct procedures could be convicted.

After about an hour of speeches, eight representatives Tangkahan Village residents received counsel together for the Board of Directors of PT KIM.

Previous Acting Director of PT KIM (Persero) Dalymuliana, in a joint meeting of Association of the Company KIM (Asperkim) and Police Medan Labuhan, Tuesday (15/11), said of the results of monitoring conducted by the joint research BLH side, there are four companies found dispose waste to society.

"Some unscrupulous rogue companies that deliberately dump the waste at night and when it rains to flow trench citizens," he said.

When this process is still deepening investigation, and for a while the company that has carried out the closure of waste disposal.

In fact, there is one company that does the same thing is now the case has entered the realm of law.

Acting Managing Director also reminded the parties in KIM to be aware and concerned about the environment. (Maa)