Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPS-LB) PT.KIM (Persero)

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPS-LB) PT.KIM (Persero)

On October 7, 2014 General Meeting of Shareholders held Extraordinary PT. Medan Industrial Area (Persero) PT in the meeting room. KIM (Persero) and on that date is also the anniversary of PT. KIM is the 26th year.

As for the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting is the Company's Management Change Company (Persero) PT. Medan Industrial Area and Nomenclature Changes in Directors Liability Company (Persero) PT. Medan Industrial Area. Extraordinary Shareholder's Meeting was attended by Deputy of Energy, Logistics and Transportation, Republic of Indonesia, Ministry of Enterprise Dwijanti Tjahjaningsih mother and his entourage. 

Results of AGM-LB is changing the management of PT. KIM (Persero) of the old Director Mr. Gandhi D. Tambunan replaced by the new Director Mr. Achmad Boediono and Finance Director Pangabahan old Mr. L. Tobing replaced by the new Director Mr. Ruli Adi and turn of the Board of Commissioners of PT. KIM (Persero) of Mr Simanjuntak Manuntun replaced by Mrs. Ida Ria Simamora. 

With the changes in the management of PT. Medan Industrial Area (Persero), it is expected that the new board can make the Medan Industrial Estate developed and developing countries.