PT. KIM (Persero) Establish Cooperation with PT. Pelindo I (Persero) to Integrate Services Container

PT. KIM (Persero) Establish Cooperation with PT. Pelindo I (Persero) to Integrate Services Container

PT. Pelindo I (Persero) and PT Kawasan Industri Medan (Persero) development cooperation integrated container depot services, in the area of Medan Industrial Estate stage IV, Wednesday (26/11).
The realization of this synergy, marked by the signing of the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) between the Director of Pelindo I, Bambang Eka Cahyana and Director of PT KIM (Persero), R.Achmad Boediono, at North Nias Island Road KIM stage IV, District Percut Sei Tuan.

In his speech, Managing Director of Pelindo I Bambang Eka said that this cooperation is the seriousness of the two state-owned companies in order to optimize service to service users.

For now, the container depot built in an area of 3.7 hectares and will be developed further to 8 ha. Scheduled for the process of development, will be completed in mid-2015 and operated in July. "Later this depot can accommodate about 2,500 TEUs of containers," he said hoping with this depot service, is able to reduce the cost of logistics in the port.

In accordance Vision Maritime
On that occasion, President Director of PT KIM delivered, this according to the vision of maritime cooperation Jokowi-JK government, especially the marine highway. Pursued in the first half of 2015 as soon as completed infrastructure. While the IPC will carry out the superstructure.

The goal is to simplify and streamline logistics services integrated, easy, cheap and fast, making it profitable for businesses, especially investors in the area of PT. KIM Medan and surrounding areas

So the logistics flow more smoothly, given the limited land available in the port of Belawan.

The signing ceremony, also coupled with a gift exchange between the president of the state-owned enterprises.