PT. KIM faces COVID-19 with the Protocol  of New Normal

PT. KIM faces COVID-19 with the Protocol of New Normal

New normal ialah kondisi virus masih ada, vaksin belum ditemukan. Namun perilaku disiplin dari masyarakat terhadap protokol keselamatan dan kesehatan membuat penyebarannya menjadi melambat, sehingga sistem perawatan rumah sakit bisa menangani jumlah pasien yang ada dengan baik. Dampaknya, jumlah yang meninggal sedikit dan bisnis akan mencari cara-cara baru, produk baru, solusi baru yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat dalam menjalani kehidupan dalam dunia dengan peradaban dan budaya yang baru.

New Normal Protocol for PT KIM's Industrial Partners
1. Industry partners are encouraged to ensure that employees are in good health and do not have a history of travel from COVID-19 affected areas
2. Representatives of Industrial Partners can visit the Wisma PT KIM (Persero) regarding the delivery of documents needed in the service of PT. Kim (Persero) through the front desk and must attach a Contact Person (PIC) related to the request for service to later contact PT KIM (Persero) )
3. Representatives of Industrial Partners / Prospective Industrial Partners preferably interact through video conferencing. However, Representatives of Industrial Partners who have urgent interests to visit PT. KIM (Persero) 's residence will follow PT. KIM (Persero)' s health protocol.
4. Industrial Partners / Prospective Industrial Partners can send representatives up to 3 people to carry out field visits using personal activities

New Normal Protocol for Suppliers
1. Suppliers are preferred to interact through video conferencing. If Suppliers are indeed obliged to come to the office of PT KIM (Persero), then the supplier follows the health procedures of PT KIM (Persero)
2. Delivery of data and documents for the purposes of the Procurement Process carried out electronically. However, if required to be physical, the documents are submitted to the receptionist at the lobby of Wisma PT. Kim (Persero)
3. Suppliers are encouraged not to shake hands and continue to carry out physical distancing while in the PT KIM (Persero) office environment
4. Shipments of goods, especially local providers, are arranged for their arrival so that they do not gather the same day.

New Normal Protocol for Stakeholders
1. Stakeholders may interact through electronic media. If Stakeholders are required to come to the office, then stakeholders must wear masks when visiting and complying with PT KIM (Persero) 's health procedures
2. Sending data and documents electronically, but if required to be physical, documents are submitted to the receptionist at the lobby of the guesthouse PT KIM (Persero)
3. Stakeholders are encouraged not to shake hands and continue to carry out physical distancing while in the office of PT KIM (Persero)
4. If during a health inspection when entering the office area of PT KIM (Persero) the body temperature of the stakeholder is above 37.5 o C or appears sick, then it is not permitted to enter the office area.