PT KIM collaborated with North Sumatra's KSJ, Kartini KSJ, Medan City Government, UDD PMI Deli Serdang,

PT KIM collaborated with North Sumatra's KSJ, Kartini KSJ, Medan City Government, UDD PMI Deli Serdang,

03 Februari 2023

PT KIM collaborated with North Sumatra's KSJ, Kartini KSJ, Medan City Government, UDD PMI Deli Serdang,
H2 Health and Happiness and PT Bio Energi Rimba held a Social Service at Wisma PT KIM.

This event includes giving compensation to orphans and poor people, blood donors, free health checks, cheap markets, and opening an Independent Account to get souvenirs.

This event is part of PT KIM's Social and Environmental Responsibility Program which continues to strive to provide benefits for economic development, social development, and environmental development in North Sumatra.