Protest Electricity Rates Rise, Employers Will Sues Government to MA

Protest Electricity Rates Rise, Employers Will Sues Government to MA

Jakarta - The employer does not accept the government 's decision to raise electricity tariff ( TDL ) in stages since the beginning of May 2014 to the industry . Businessmen prepare a lawsuit to the Supreme Court ( MA ) to cancel the electricity hike .

" We still do not receive the increase in electricity , " said Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Employers Association ( Apindo ) Franky Sibarani to detikFinance , Monday ( 05/05/2014 ) .

As is known , the increase in electricity tariff was conducted from May 2014 until December 2014 . Increase in electricity tariffs gradually done once every two months .

The period of industrial electricity rate increase for a special class of public company I-3/Tegangan Medium and High groups I-4/Tegangan rates performed on May 1 2014-30 June 2014 , 1 July to 31 August 2014 1 September to 31 October 2014 and 1 November 2014 onwards .

"While it was enacted , we still ask the government to cancel or put on hold , " he said .

He added that if the government remained unmoved and enforce the electricity rate increase , it would ask the Supreme Court to annul the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources decided increase in the electricity tariff .

" We are preparing a lawsuit for judicial review to the Supreme Court , we would also urge the Minister of Industry ( Minister of Industry ) to cancel the hike , " he said .

Franky said , employers who have to bear the upstream industry downstream industry should bear the burden of the rate increase to 64 % , especially for class I - 4 . In addition, the associated rate increase for group I - 3 which is a public company entrepreneurs ( PT) it is discriminatory .

" This is clearly discrimination against listed company , but the government encourage public companies to provide incentives , " said Franky .