Power outage in North Sumatra is estimated Until End of June

Power outage in North Sumatra is estimated Until End of June

Medan, (Analysis), Parlindungan Purba: After the Crisis Electric, North Sumatra Do Crisis Information. Power outages in North Sumatra are estimated to be ended in June 2014. And even then can not be fully guaranteed as PLN Plant North Sumatra ( Kitsbu ) did not have a backup .

This was revealed in a meeting between Council Member from North Sumatra ( North Sumatra ) Ancient Parlindungan with GM PLN Kitsbu Bernardus Sudarmanto and management, in the office of Brig Katamso PLN Kitsbu Street , Tuesday ( 6/5 ) .

According Bernardus , the current deficit of 380 mega watts ( MW ) at peak load . " On a normal day , electricity outages for industry night . While household electricity gets rolling blackouts during the day , " he said .

However further Bernardus , specially when the national exam ( UN ) industry get rolling blackouts from 08.00 am until 13.00 pm . After the examination is completed rolling blackouts carried out as usual .

Furthermore Bernardus said , starting today , Wednesday ( 7/5 ) , power supply unit from the first generators of 80 MW power plant Labuhanangin get into the electrical system in the region of North Sumatra ( Sumbagut ) . Thus, the power deficit will be reduced .

As is known units I and II power plant Labuhanangin undergoing repairs due to damage that occurred some time ago .

In addition, he continued , an additional power supply in the third week of 2 units of 80 MW power plant Labuhanangin and also from ST 2.0 Belawan generators of 115 MW .

But on the other hand , PLN also have to perform maintenance on the machine generating the GT 11 . " So therefore , the power deficit is expected by the end of this month was reduced to 150 MW , " he explained .

After that further Bernardus , another plant is expected to be repaired and can enter into the system at the end of the month of June so it was a power outage in North Sumatra ends . " Nonetheless electrical problem in Sumbagut still dangerous because they do not have a spare . Plants should be improved still used because there is no backup . So really broken new improved , " he said .

crisis Information

Council members Parlindungan Ancient origin of the North Sumatra said , today we are already experiencing a power crisis and not to a crisis of information . "If a blackout occurs please inform through media colleagues for consumers to know . I write to ask if necessary , "said Parlin newly arrived from Jakarta directly to the Office of PLN Kitsbu .

She came home as it gets a text message containing a complaint from entrepreneurs who got power outages for hours since morning .

Parlindungan Purba said , in the short term , the company , such as palm oil mills , and other Inalum , which has its own generator and excess electrical power , can actually requested assistance to provide these advantages to PLN which then distributed to the public .

" The problem is , the rules are really convoluted and when up one step , it could be later lodged legal issues . Thing like this that I will discuss with the relevant agencies , how can provide convenience as a temporary solution to overcome the deficit of electricity in the province, " he explained .

Parlin said , today is Wednesday ( 7/5 ) will meet with the Head of the Investment Coordinating Board ( BKPM ) , Mahendra Siregar to discuss possible given the incentives for investors who are interested in building a power plant in the region .

" While Thursday ( 8/5 ) I will visit Inalum . Which knew electricity from Inalum could be used at least to overcome the power crisis that occurred at this time , " he said . (RRS)