Port Police Chief Request Stop Duty KIM

Port Police Chief Request Stop Duty KIM

Belawan, (Analysis). Related to the continued action of a login KIM rejection duty, Police Chief Superintendent Aswin Belawan Port Sipayung S.Ik MH asked the Board of Directors of PT KIM (Persero) to stop the charges.

The assertion was made Chief of the coordination meeting, along with dozens of employers, the DPD Organda Sumatra and representatives of the Board of Directors of PT KIM, in the Hall Mako Belawan Port Police, Monday (12/1).

According to Aswin, to enact policies fitted into the collection of duty, should the Board of Directors of PT KIM cooperating with all stakeholders, so that the measures taken can run smoothly and safely.

Because he received a lot of input from employers and DPP Organda Sumatra, which is mentioned in the entry test fitting the imposition of duties, no socialization of PT KIM.

During the meeting, Chairman of the Council of North Sumatra Organda Haposan Sialagan, also deeply regrets the management of PT KIM who did not reply to the letter that was sent by DPD Organda rejection Sumatra.

  "We have three times the letter rejecting incoming KIM fitting, because the pricing is very burdensome to the driver, but the PT KIM never even replied to us," he said.

Tariffs levied fitting PT KIM through a third party for the driver sedan Rp 3,000, boxcar Rp5,000, six wheel trucks 10,000, eight-wheel truck Rp 15,000, ten wheel truck Rp20,000 and Rp40,000 container trailer two, although was lowered to Rp15 thousand, is still relatively expensive and unnatural.

Moreover, the flow out of the vehicle for the trip unloading of goods through the gate KIM phase II, at least 3 trips. Surely spending is detrimental to the appropriate duty driver.

On that occasion, Business Development Manager PT KIM Marda Sinaga who attended the coordination meeting said, to stop the police chief demand levy customs duties, would be a record (minutes) meeting.

"Demand will still be submitted to the Chief of Managing Director in advance," he said.

Analysis Based on the observation, collection of duty fitting in today's still running. But the manager was impressed enforce for riders who are willing to pay for it. (maa)