Not for the state-owned holding Crop Employees

Not for the state-owned holding Crop Employees

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Minister of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Rini Soemarno said the government's plan to establish a business combination (holding) state-owned companies to boost efficiency. With no holding, the SOE cut costs operasinal activities.

Rini affirmed, holding SOEs does not mean a reduction in the efficiency of the employees. "And this business efficiency, often a reduction in employees, not at all. It is even more of our operations," he said as written in Jakarta, Friday (11/04/2016).

Rini give an example, the government will establish a state-owned holding oil with PT Pertamina as the parent holdingnya. During this time, the gas distribution to the public conducted by PT Pertamina, through its subsidiary PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN).

Rini said, there has been inefficient because the two companies state that made the gas pipeline with the same path. In fact, if it is assembled and gas pipeline connection will be longer.

"Often there are two pipes in the same lane. However, if they have one, a pipe could be elsewhere. So the longer the pipe joints can be measure in all corners of Indonesia. It is an example," he explained.

President Director of PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum) Winardi Sunoto argues, holding would make the capital structure more robust. This would be advantageous because the SOEs will be more rapid expansion for easy search for capital in large numbers.

"If you own an asset how. With the assets to obtain financing, greater bargaining power," he said.

Then, would create efficiency because it will reduce the duplication of SOE. "With the efficiency, the same function are united," he said.

He said, Inalum itself will become state-owned holding in mining. Holding is currently in the process of harmonization of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

"The shareholders decided to state that the share of government owned 100 percent of it is used the coincidence holdingnya Inalum," he said. (Amd / Ahm)