Ministry of Industry: Industrial Area Indonesia Not Competitive

Ministry of Industry: Industrial Area Indonesia Not Competitive

Jakarta, (Analysis). Director General of the Ministry of Industry Development Industrial zoning Dedi Mulyadi said the industrial park in Indonesia has not been competitive in terms of land prices when compared to Malaysia and Thailand.

"The industrial area we are not competitive compared to Thailand and Kuala Lumpur, judging from our land prices are not competitive," said Director General (DG) Development zoning Industry Ministry (Ministry of Industry) Dedi Mulyadi on Monday.

He pointed out that if the price of industrial estate land Rp2 million per meter in Java, can not compete with Thailand and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Therefore, he said the need to standardize the form of the certificates that meet the standards of the industrial park. With the certification of industrial estates can show proof to prospective investors about the services and facilities available in the region.

"So even though the price is expensive but the quality of service to the investor is the best. Because investors do not you will come to a location that is relatively more affordable. With the existence of this certification be not deceived investors, "he said.

Previously, Smith said that the Ministry of Industry will apply to the certification standards for the provision of 74 industrial estates that have a minimum land area of ​​50 hectares in 2014, to be able to attract investors and encourage competitiveness.

"The industrial area must compete, providing good service to investors, so we have created a standardized form of certification to the 74 industrial land of 50 hectares, began early 2014," said Dedi.

He explained that there will be four criteria in awarding certifications industrial areas such as management and services, infrastructure, environmental and socio-economic.

The entire industrial area that are willing to be verified, will be in terms of the four criteria, without charge. Later each industrial area that meets the requirements will receive a certificate could be the foundation in the development of the area included in the offer to investors.

The move is expected to boost the competitiveness of both the industrial areas in the country and with other countries in the industrial area. "There will be an independent team to assess the standardization of an industrial area. Standardization prepared by practitioners, "he said. (Ant)

Source: http://www.analisadaily.com/news/41789/kemenperin-kawasan-industri-indonesia-belum-kompeti