May Day Thousands of Workers Based on KIM 2

May Day Thousands of Workers Based on KIM 2

M.deli | DNA - Warning international labor day is celebrated among laborers working in Medan Industrial Area ( KIM ) centered in front of the guesthouse KIM 2 with a police escort . Thursday ( 05/01/2014 ) .
Unlike last year , May Day commemoration held more workers lead to peaceful protest without sweeping action or force workers to join a convoy moreover ketepan Labor Day falls on the red ( a national holiday ) .

" We had nothing to do labor sweeping much less is today a holiday for all existing plant in KIM , also do not carry workers rally to the city of Medan , but just celebrated Labor Day peacefully comforted by cutting rice cone keyboard music , " said Ponijo as trade union organization committee of LEM SBSI when found in front of the guesthouse on the road KIM KIM Batam Island 2 .

While the corresponding observations , it appears thousands of workers initially gathered since the morning at the gate of Medan Deli KIM KL.Yosudarso road convoy moving further towards the industrial area terrain II with accompaniment escort patrol car , most workers shout slogans living labor , there is work to do today , let 's celebrate labor Day , said a number of labor organizations while flying the flag of the workers they bring . ( Guz / Mdl )