Labour insists UMP Sumut Rp2, 2 million

Labour insists UMP Sumut Rp2, 2 million

Medan - Tens of thousands of mass demonstrations that members of the Labor Against Workers (PBM) mengelar rallies request approved UMP Sumatra Rp2, 2 million in the office of the Governor of North Sumatra, today.

"We asked the ump should Sumatra Rp2, 2 million. Because it would not be detrimental to employers, "said Coordinator of Action, Pahala Napitupulu to Waspada Online, today.

Related reasons UMP government declared an increase Sumut worth Rp70.000 already a tight negotiations with employers, Pahala said that the reason employers are thinking of their own personality.

"We are ready to negotiate dengana councils. We also have a few myself. For that we are ready to give an objective clarity, "said Pahala.

Pahala also added for entrepreneurs who can not afford to pay his salary in accordance with the minimum wage worker can complain to the North Sumatra Pemprovsu the audit records.

Meanwhile, the coordinator of the action on Jalan Imam Bonjol Medan, Bambang Hermanto said it would take action if the demands of the constantly UPM North Sumatra Rp2, 2 million are not met.

When compared to Jakarta UMP Rp2, 2 million, about the same Medan to Jakarta metropolitan city equally. So there's no reason to not raise the minimum wage. "Price off Sumatra 2013 UMP number Rp2, 2 million," said Bambang told Waspada Online, today.

He added that only Rp1.375.000 Sumatra UMP will make workers more miserable because UMP Sumut Rp1.375.000 can not make ideal workers' lives in 2013.

He added that as long as this continues to endure labor related food prices that continue to rise. "If he (the Governor-red) never feel what the workers feel with low salaries," he said.

Related complaints employers to raise the salaries of workers, Bambang said of the first businessmen would never say profit. If that employers can not afford to pay Rp2, 2 million, it will be reported to Gubsu, audit and suspension, "he said.

Based on the observation Alert Online, in various city roads due to congestion field workers spread mass action at some point that, Tanjung Morawa toll-Letda Sujono-Belawan, Polonia Airport, Port of Belawan and Maimun Palace.

Meanwhile, the North Sumatra Police chief, Gen. Pol Amat Wisjnu Sastro clear to workers in doing the action remained orderly and peaceful so as not to disturb other community interests.

"Anyone is welcome aspirations, as well as workers. But we ask that aspiration was delivered with peaceful, safe and orderly, not to interfere with other people, "he said in Medan today.

To secure labor rallies, said it had lowered Wijnu least 4600 personnel stationed in various locations. Besides the police, the army were also lowered to the ground to secure the demonstrations.

In this action, the task of managing the Governor of North Sumatra (Plt Gubsu), Billy Pujo Nugroho said it will not escape the associated mass action undertaken by labor unions is one of the nation's economic development.

"No doubt, I commit and remains open to the aspirations of workers without a 'reserve'. Aspiration was certainly a constructive and proportionate to the progress of labor and other aspects," said Billy.

Billy added a labor demonstration made it worth untu appreciated and understood. But let koiridor remains in force and that respects the public interest.

Acting Gubsu reiterated all parties ought to have a better understanding of the direction of the president to the governor and the mayor regents substantiating that the government's position is clear: wages have increased and decent.

"We're committed to the direction of the President that the era of cheap labor is over, but a cooperative effort tripartite (government, employers and workers) with related elements ought to fulfill valued fixed wage," he said.

In addressing this issue, said it was not the same Billy wage for each region for different conditions especially the main criterion will be accepted labor, minimum wage will are counties and cities (MSE), followed minimum wage sectoral counties and cities.