Labor provider company inventoried

Labor provider company inventoried

MEDAN - House of Representatives (DPRD ) of Medan through the related commission will oversee the company's inventory once the employment service in the city of Medan . Because , there are still companies like it ignores the workers in the work .

" Other workers from the employment service or commonly called workers with Specific Time Work Agreement ( PKWT ) or Employment Agreement Time Not Sure ( PKWTT ) was tied to the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration ( Permenakertrans ) No. . 19th in 2012 . Thus , the company can not arbitrarily against its workers , "said Vice Chairman of Commission B DPRD Medan , HT Bahrumsyah , today.

In Permenakertrans that Article 17 , paragraph 2 , says Bahrumsyah , clearly mentioned the work provided to the employment service should be a support activity or activities that have nothing to do directly with the production process .

While in Section 3 , said Bahrumsyah , enumerated types or forms it is the janitor ( cleaning service ) , Caterers ( catering ) , security guards ( guard ) , mining and transport providers to workers or laborers .

" And the employment service it should form a Limited Liability Company ( PT ) . Means, Cooperatives and CV should not be . Ironically , there Cooperative in Belawan move as the employment service . Inikan contrary to Permenakertrans , " said the politician of the National Mandate Party ( PAN ) this .

But , call the Secretary of the PAN faction , there are still many industrial companies , hotels , hospitals , malls and shops in the city of Medan which employs a staff of the employment service ( labor party , red) . " It should , as it is made ​​permanent employees , " he said .

On the other hand , continued Bahrumsyah , also mentioned in Article 22 of the labor service company can not operate if it does not get the mark list of the Department of Social Welfare and Labor ( Disosnaker ) . " That is , neither the company nor its employees must be enrolled in Disosnaker , while in the field are still many companies and workers who are not registered , " he said .

Asked shift jobs to the company of other employment service providers , according to Bahrumsyah , does not necessarily impose a new company with a former employee of the company arbitrarily . Because, he says , in Article 32 , paragraph 2 clearly stated if there are intermediate companies work , workers should still be considered and taken into account by the employment service companies are new .

" So , a new agreement with a provider of corporate affairs jobs , while workers fixed and working period was calculated at the start of work . Though contract renewed , but the workers were still working period is calculated at the start of the first work , " he said .

This condition occurs , the added Bahrumsyah , due to weak oversight conducted by Disosnaker , while very, very clear Permenakertrans mengisyaratkannya . " Therefore , we will call the company 's workforce service providers , whether or not to follow the mandate Permenakertrans ? . Because the regulation has been in effect since November 2013 , " he said .