Gas supply should be prioritized for the region outside Java

Gas supply should be prioritized for the region outside Java

Jakarta - The government requested that the supply of gas from new gas wells outside of Java to be prioritized and flowed well in the region. It is expected to boost the economy of the region surrounding the energy source.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa explained that there is a huge potential source of gas outside Java, such as in Medan, North Sumatra and Kalimantan. For that he expects that a large supply of gas is not taken into Java because in addition to requiring a large investment, gas demand is also increasing outside Java.
"We do not have to think about how gas is in Kalimantan it should be taken to Java, that would be us crammed in the Java industry, let alone in there. Yes it is no special economic zone there, the gas flowed only to that of the build pipeline from Kalimantan to Java. I've said to the Vice Minister of Energy should no longer be brought to the Java (new gas sources in Medan), but let it be to supply the North Sumatra. Large investments, gas later stacked in Java, "Hatta said in his office, Jakarta, last weekend.

According to Hatta economic potential outside Java, Kalimantan in particular, should be improved among other things by increasing the supply of energy. If the increased energy supply in Borneo, he believes the region can grow the industry so that it can move the wheels of the economy of local communities.

He also expects an increase in Kalimantan economy could increase its contribution to gross domestic product (GDP), which has recently reached four percent of the total. This number is still very small compared to Java contribution to national GDP reached 57 percent.

"Although the shortage of Java (gas), think of others. Let Industry grows in Borneo. Do Kalimantan gas shortages later. Our GDP is 57 percent of Java, Kalimantan, only four percent of its contribution to GDP, "he explained.

Hatta also called for reduced gas exports in order to increase economic growth kuhusus zones (SEZ), as well as industrial areas that are spread throughout the area. He does not want too many other industrial countries take advantage of the natural gas potential of Indonesia.

According to Indonesia to meet the needs of gas increases, the government needs to build more storage space fitting, either permanent or floating (floating).

"The sources of the gas-stop was to be exported. If the industry exported not rise. Industry so that the country rose export destination. Not that we are anti-export, but it needs to increase in our country, "he concluded.