Flood KIM disadvantaged Companies Billions Rupiah

Flood KIM disadvantaged Companies Billions Rupiah

Analisadaily (Medan) - Association of Kawasan Industri Medan (Asperkim) said it will cooperateresolve various problems in the work environment KIM. Flooding in the area KIM make companieslose billions of rupiah each week.

Industrial Estate Companies Association (Asperkim) said it will 
cooperate resolve various problems in the work environment KIM. Flooding in the area KIM make companies lose billions of rupiah each week.
Asperkim Chairman, Indra Boy mention immediately realize the impact of the annual meeting Asperkim meeting with the KIM. Starting from the issue of lighting, flooding, security and others.
allegations Director of KIM, Mr. Rudi came the invitation Asperkim. 
Hopefully plans well we had been able to run immediately. Everything is 
in order to bring investors to invest and could be beneficial to many 
parties. The flooding and other problems have hurt the company until 
miliran rupiah perminggunya, "Indra said, Friday (18/12) night.
Indra sure, cooperation Asperkim and PT KIM able to maintain a commitment to change for the better. Otherwise the stakes are hesitant and fearful investors will put money so the company certainly threatened with bankruptcy.
issues must be resolved, so that the workers were safe and comfortable 
working and return when the evenings. We and KIM also have coordinated 
to the police in order to make partoli routine every night and times are
considered vulnerable," he said ,
the agenda of the annual meeting Asperkim in the Fir Road, Indra asked 
that companies that have not joined in Asperkim can close ranks. Because Asperkim into mediation container companies and the exchange 
of information and to find solutions to problems that exist.
According to him, no fewer than 125 companies have been registered into the Asperkim. Hopefully that number grew later.