Factory worker activists combed KIM

Factory worker activists combed KIM

Medan - A labor activist combing or do a "sweep" in the Medan Industrial Area (KIM), to invite the workers marched demanding higher minimum wage in North Sumatra Province in 2013.

According to the Head of Security PT Medan Industrial Area (Limited) Joko Sungkono, labor activists from several trade union organizations came one day at a factory and warehouse in KIM.

"Furthermore, the masses of workers directed gathered at several points, among them around the front of the factory building and the intersection of Jalan Mas Season Sumatra KIM I," he added, today.

The workers gathered at several locations is estimated at around 900 people. It is said Joko, during the act of "sweeping" no anarchy or disturbance occurs in the security industry is the largest on the island of Sumatra.

"Most factories today deliberately dismiss workers and some existing factory a half-day," he said.

Concentrated mass of workers who started at some point gathered in the estate then went on a convoy with a number of workers from different companies in KIM and surrounding towards the Governor's office in Jalan Diponegoro Medan North Sumatra.

However, some before heading to North Sumatra governor's office, union activists could make speeches that essentially rejected the decision setting Prorovinsi Minimum Wage (UMP) North Sumatra (Sumatra) in 2013 amounted to Rp of Rp1, 375 million per month.

However, the amount of UMP Sumatra 2013 was rejected by a number of trade union organizations in the area that previously proposed by Rp2, 2 million per month