PT. KIM Lobby, Monday, January 6, 2020, Starting in 2020 PT. KIM’S President Director Mr. Trisilo Ari Setyawan gave New Energy by briefing all employees of PT. KIM. In the briefing, the President Director of PT. KIM was accompanied by the Director of Operations and Development, Mr. Ilmi Abdullah. The briefing contains:
1. Work Ethic & Loyalty
Each employee must be able to take responsibility for what he does, loyalty to the company in the form of achievement and persistence increases the spirit of preparing regeneration and positive thinking and rejects understandings and invitations that aim to damage the reputation of the leadership and the company
2. Corporate Culture
Understand and apply corporate cultural values and continue at all levels of employees so that they are reflected in employee attitudes and behavior
3. GCG & KPKU scores
Prepare the team and increase the target of achieving the best value through the preparation of documents and good teamwork
4. Accuracy of Report Submission
Reports submitted are reports that contain truth with valid data and can be accounted for and delivered on time
5. Revenue Growth
All sectors which are the source of revenue of the company are the responsibility of all employees, if there are invitations, irregularities or negligence caused by unscrupulous acts, immediately report to the company (directors) if they know and remain silent about the things involved in engaging
6. Increased investors and customer satisfaction
Increased efforts to increase public knowledge and education on KIM including facilities and information needed by investors, as a PIC marketing bureau must be able to make internal and external socialization including improving relations with industry partners.
7. Proper Environment
Make efforts to continue to prioritize and maintain good and maintained environmental quality and involve the community to be able to provide an assessment and can feel the impact, in this case continue to improve the environmental development program through targeted PKBL programs
8. Employee Productivity and HR Competence
Improving the quality of self and ability by continuing to learn and upgrade themselves and open insight into the development of technological and information advancements, contribute thoughts and knowledge for the progress of the company.
9. Company Profit & Target
Arrange strategic steps that are organized and on target in answering company targets that will have an impact on increasing company profits which will certainly be given to employees, do your work and are guided by the work plan of management and the bureau.
10. Application of Balance Scored Card & Conditional KPI Assessment to provide fair assessment of employee performance
The year 2020 is a new beginning in a new direction policy, armed with the Vision and Mission of our President, moving forward and moving towards change, increasing self-value, corporate value, new enthusiasm in improving good performance and thinking openly that change must be real and present. Reject and stay away from negative things that bind and achieve themselves.