Do gaptek BUMN, should Literacy and Information Technology

Do gaptek BUMN, should Literacy and Information Technology

Jakarta - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) invites President, Commissioner, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and the head unit / division IT throughout BUMN discusses competitiveness and transformation of BUMN businesses through information technology.

"IT management need with increased competence in BUMN resource. Information technology can facilitate change for the better, the application of IT in transforming BUMN business will not run properly without the support and commitment of the leadership of the company," said Deputy Minister of BUMN Mr. Yasin while opening Business Executive Gathering 2013 Ministry of SOEs and BUMN with the theme 'Information Technology Business Transformation success' in Hotel Bidakara, Jakarta, Monday (06/01/2013).

Mahmuddin said the IT master plan is needed for the development and utilization of IT in each state in order to comply with the long-term business strategy, medium-, and short BUMN enterprises.

"Every BUMN is required to make the IT masterplan later than February 2015, while for IT governance, each BUMN is required to achieve a minimum target maturity level 3 in the next 5 years," he explained.

This policy, he said, to encourage BUMN to improve the competitiveness of the business including business transformation to succeed in order to compete in the next era of business competition.

"Every head of BUMN, especially CEO and commute should understand and realize the importance of information technology in supporting the management of BUMN," he said.

In this event, also attended by the CEO of Bank Mandiri Budi Gunadi Sadikin, CEO of BRI Sofyan Bashir, and CEO of PT KAI Ignatius Jonan.