Distribution of Food Packages 2,500 Packages

Distribution of Food Packages 2,500 Packages

Deli Serdang, Wednesday, December 21, 2016 held at the yard office PT. INDUSTRIAL AREA MEDAN (Persero) Distribution of Food Packages conducted about 2,500 packages to the residents around Kawasan Industri Medan.

This event is held in the form of distribution of groceries destined for poor residents, where the food packages consisting of rice, sugar and cooking oil.

This event was attended by Mr. Ilmi Abdullah (Director of Operations & Development), Mr Baringin Simanjuntak (Corporate Secretary), Mr. Jefri Sirait (Manager SPI), Mr. Aris Supriyatno (Chairman of the Partnership) and Tim PKBL PT. INDUSTRIAL AREA MEDAN (Persero).

This activity began with the speech the Chairman of CSR PT. KIM (Persero), followed by groceries symbolic handover to the citizens who are entitled to receive. After that, all citizens who receive coupons in turns redeem a coupon with groceries provided by the organizers.

Implementation of this activity also receive assistance from the Head of the Environment respectively located around Medan Industrial Estate. Distribution of coupons for groceries prior decision made by the Head of Environmental few days before the distribution of groceries. The basic food distribution activities run smoothly, orderly and successful.

This activity has the purpose to help the poor (the du'afa) in the form of distribution of groceries and assist companies in the implementation of CSR programs related to alleviating the burden of poor people.