Dahlan Agree to Remove Outsourcing in BUMN

Dahlan Agree to Remove Outsourcing in BUMN

INILAH.COM , Jakarta - IX Commission will present the results of a meeting between outsourcing problem solving employees in SOEs in the plenary session of the Parliament .

" After a 7 hour meeting ended , we finish . Later I think the result was read at the plenary , " said Vice Chairman of Commission IX Nova Riyanti Joseph before closing a meeting in Parliament House Commission IX Lounge , Tuesday ( 04/03/2014 ) .

Meanwhile , Dahlan promised to follow the decision of the House of Representatives Commission IX . Although the resolution of issues of outsourcing in the state is underway . " The discussion of outsourcing has already begun the process , " said Dahlan .

When questioned further , Dahlan SOE Ministry declined to comment on the plan with the recommendations of the Commission IX . " I do not want to talk . Sorry, I had to rush for an important meeting . I 'm late , " said Dahlan as he ran for the vehicle .

Here are the results of the meeting conclusions outsourcing SOEs between Commission IX with a representative of the Minister of SOEs and the minister on this Harin :

1 . Commission XI of the House of Representatives and the Minister of SOEs agreed to implement the commitments of Law No.13 of 2013 and recommendations of the Committee on Employment Outsourcing Commission IX . Therefore, the Minister of SOEs agreed to delete the group that according to Law No.13 of 2013 concerning Manpower outsourcing is not allowed to use by issuing a circular letter of the Minister of SOEs as of March 5, 2014 .

2 . Commission IX urged the Minister of SOEs for :
Lifting all existing outsourced workers in the SOEs that are not in accordance with Article 65 and Article 66 of Law no. 13 of 2003 on Labour was appointed as fixed by the company's workers in the SOE environment .

Hiring back all the workers who are in the process of layoffs as permanent workers in the proper position and the position in accordance with the principle of professionalism in the SOE . Meet all the basic rights of workers in the SOEs .

Pay wages in full process of the other rights of SOE workers who are victims of unlawful dismissal . With reference to the Law. 13 of 2013 on Employment . The points above held from March 5, 2014 until 5 April 2014 verification process , the next process of the second month next May 5, 2014 and be completed by the third month ie June 5, 2014 .

3 . Commission IX and SOE Minister agreed to provide tough sanctions to directors of state-owned enterprises that are not in line with the policy of outsourcing problem solving SOE .

4 . Commission IX with SOE Minister and the minister agreed to establish a joint task force to implement the recommendations of the ministry of the Committee outsourcing IX Commission by no later than March 12, 2014 , and March 12 to April 12 2014, the companies announced further being rescued 12 April until May 12 2014 all the outsourcing issue has been resolved .

Task Force to resolve the question of outsourcing should involve unions in their respective companies . During this deadline , the wage process and other basic rights should still be given , and no layoffs during the process . [ hid ]