Ruangan Class Training PT KiM (Persero) tanggal 9 -10 Des 2019 telah berlangsung Workshop Strategic Managemen yang diikuti oleh beberapa Karyawan terpilih PT KIM (Persero). Workshop ini dibuka oleh Direktur Utama PT KIM (Persero) Bpk Trisilo Ari Setyawan. Workshop 2 hari ini berisi pemberian materi-materi strategi pengembangan bisnis perusahaan oleh Ibu Lili Sudartio Vice Presiden Indonesia Strategic Management Society, diskusi dan diakhiri pengisian formulir Balance Scorecard kepada masing-masing kelompok peserta sebagai tools untuk mendesain strategi pengembangan bisnis perusahaan ke depan.
As it is known that the Balanced Scorecard is a mechanism in the management system that is able to translate the organization's vision and strategy into real action in the field. So that the balanced scorecard becomes one of the management tools that is proven to help many companies in implementing their business strategies. It is hoped that PT KIM will be able to become a profitable and sustainable company.