Coordination Meeting Regarding Prevention of Corona Virus Spread at KIM

Coordination Meeting Regarding Prevention of Corona Virus Spread at KIM

Ruang Rapat Tapanuli Wisma KIM, 03 Maret 2020, Rapat antara Direksi PT.KIM Bapak Operasional dan Pengembangan serta Direktur Keuangan SDM dan Umum dengan Dinas Kesehatan, Imigrasi KNO, Tenaga Kerja, Bea Cukai, Kepolisian,Keamanan terkait pencegahan penyebaran Virus Corona (COVID 19). Rapat dipimpin oleh Direktur Operasional dan pengembangan PT.KIM Bapak Ilmi Abdullah.

The conclusion of the meeting was the formation of a small team consisting of the North Sumatra Provincial Health Office and Medan City that links with the  COVID 19 handling team formation from the Health Office.