Celebration of

Celebration of

MEDAN, (Analysis). Celebration of International Labor Day or "May Day" which is held every May 1, conducted peacefully without anarchy. Although still giving speeches in their aspirations, but overall went well.

"We are grateful for the workers of the various elements is estimated at around 6,000-person, action promoting peace and respect all road users, not inflict damage, disturb public order or harm others," said Head of Public Relations North Sumatra Police Commissioner Pol Heru Prakoso, Wednesday ( 1/5) evening.

According to him, what has been done by workers, in accordance with the agreement that no acts of anarchy and disrupt security, public order (internal security).

Surely, he added, it deserves the appreciation from the police and instanti related to the person in charge of the action, the field coordinator and the whole labor. Because, with the controlled conduciveness North Sumatra, the economy and investor confidence in the province is maintained. Thus, people will be helped from various fields.

Former Deputy Director of Traffic (Then Vice Director) North Sumatra Police added that some point or location which is the goal of the workers such as Merdeka Square, Medan, Majestik Roundabout, North Sumatra DPRD office, Office Gubsu, Pemko Medan and several other locations. Then, Field Garuda Tanjung Morawa and offices Regent Deli Serdang.


Also one of the locations visited by the masses of workers, the National Land Agency (BPN) North Sumatra, Jalan Brig Katamso. At that time, hundreds of mass incorporated in the Consolidated Workers and People of Indonesia (Embassy) request the return of the land to the people who had been deprived of country estates, private and foreign.

Massa also request a letter of recommendation for a review of the location of the Commission A DPRD North Sumatra on February 5 to 7 and then proceed.

In addition, the mass also rejected the sale of buildings and land ex HGU PTPN II and dismantling walls and buildings on the land in the village of HGU PTPN II Mariendal I and Selambo, and requested that the intimidation and criminalization immediately discontinued.

This action colored roadblock. As a result of that action, the police officer on guard was forced to divert and divide two-way street. Ways that are less effective, because the article a number of vehicles snaking queue should go to Jalan Brig Katamso Kesawan direction.

"There's nothing we can do but to do this step. Actions carried out since the afternoon, after burning tires, then make a row of mass action so that vehicles can not pass, "said one of the officers at the scene.

Actions taken at home from work that makes the driver nervous. Jefri, a rider said, the action should not be done by blocking the road.

"It's the only way, if blocked, the rider must be confused which way. I had 20 minutes stuck in traffic, please also understand other community activities, "said the Kampung Baru residents.

Roundabout Majestik

Labor elements incorporated in the People's Struggle Forum Oppressed (FPRT) held a brief demonstration demanding improved welfare, resist layoffs, stop the suppression of trade unions, and discrimination in wages in the Roundabout Majestik Jalan Gatot Subroto, Wednesday (1/5).

In addition, the workers also appealed to all elements of society and students to oppose the regime in favor of capitalism. Because in addition to have fool and oppress the people, capitalism also has impoverished the people.

Asked employers not made labor a perahnya cow. Demanding the government to lift No. Permennaker. 13 In 2012 a quiet component decent living. Provide decent wages to workers and their families. No. revoke Permenaker. 23 in 2012. Delete labor contract system and outsourcing. Refused MDG's agenda, the WTO, and APEC in Indonesia, as well as reject the fuel price hike.

Meanwhile, members of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Medan, which fell among the workers protested, invites all journalists in North Sumatra hand in hand demanding welfare of media companies for which they work, such as decent wages, health insurance, and education against press workers . After the speeches at Jalan Gatot Subroto, the whole mass toward North Sumatra DPRD Building and Office 19 Gubsu to convey their demands to policymakers. As a result of this labor action, the flow of traffic in around Jalan Gatot Subroto gridlocked. In anticipation of undesirable things, shops on-site demonstrations are also many closed. They re-opened the business after moving to the Office of Labor Gubsu and DPRD North Sumatra.

Gubsu office

Mass action in aspirations at the office resulted in Jalan Diponegoro Gubsu temporarily closed and traffic was diverted through Jalan Kartini.

In his speech, the mass of the United Federation of Indonesian Metal (FSPMI) submit 15 demands to the government for further action. All claims are divided into two, namely the demands of the national and regional demands.

"There's 15 of our demands to the government that must be followed, including the carrying out of health insurance for all the people who applied on January 1, 2014," said Chairman FSPMI Saragih in a speech Sunday.

Then urged the implementation of retirement security for all workers that came into effect on July 1, 2015, raise the living wage to the workers to 84 items KHL (component decent living) wage increase each year or at least 35%.

"We also reject the fuel price and electricity tariff is raised. Then urged the abolition of contract labor system and outsourcing, "he said.

Further urges prosecution of employers suspected of committing a criminal offense on freedom of association. "We hope the Department of Manpower and Transmigration North Sumatra to investigate companies that have laid off their workers because the fight for basic rights," said Sunday Saragih.

They also asked the Department of Manpower and Transmigration Office of Social Security North Sumatra as well as to check the number of companies that until now have not entered for the Social Security employees.

Responding to this demand, Kadisnaker Provsu Tambunan Hill explains what the workers also voiced a desire Provincial Government of North Sumatra. "Efforts to continue to bring prosperity to the lives of the workers is a desire that the government hopes that up to now continue fighting," said Hill.

About the living wage, labor wage component count in North Sumatra is accommodated with 64 components. But workers asked 84 components. "This is beyond the authority of the North Sumatra provincial government, because this business domain in the central government," said Hill.

Related to outsourcing or contract labor system, Hill explained by Permenakertran No.19 of 2012, there are five that can be outsourced. Among other cleaning service, transportation, security, and oil and mining jobs.

DPRD North Sumatra

In North Sumatra DPRD, Kapoldasu who came with Commander I accompanied BB H Saleh North Sumatra Legislative Chairman and Members of the Commission E Build DPRD North Sumatra SE Brilliant Mokhtar MM, spokesman had asked the workers to express their aspirations.

On that occasion, one of the workers who are members of the Regional Coordinator of Indonesian Prosperity Trade Union (SBSI) 01 asked Kapoldasu discipline members who act too much in the safeguarding of workers during a demonstration.

According to the workers, there are some interesting and police officers had beat them, so nobody gets hurt. And then the workers simply giving speeches without anarchy.

Responding to the report Kapoldasu promised to crack down on its members to indeed proven guilty. But if anggotanya act according to the procedure, he would still defend. "You also have to look inward, Just because in large quantities, you do what you like. The law of our country, everything must be according to the law, "said Kapoldasu.

Chairman SBSI 01 Ir Remon Simatupang in his speech said, labor is not a production tool that can be exploited and drained of energy at will by the employer. Workers as human beings have a natural tendency to consider their interests.

SBSI regard it urged the government to set a May 1 a national holiday, make it a decent wage, stop outsourcing or labor contract and cancel the rise in fuel prices and labor eradicate mafia in North Sumatra.

Member of Commission E of Parliament, North Sumatra Brilliant Moktar who receive workers' aspirations said, for now it is still working lives are in poor condition, especially with the government's plan to raise fuel prices.

As representatives of the people in North Sumatra, we will continue to improve the lot of the workers as well as the limits of authority that we have. However, in principle, Brilliant said Moktar, especially regarding the fate of the workers wages and the government needs to get the attention of employers. We agreed the wage rate is still relatively low in North Sumatra, he said.

Until yesterday afternoon, five labor organizations and farmers in turn kept coming to North Sumatra legislative council building in their aspirations to get tight security hundreds of police and military personnel with full equipment.

Almost Clash

While thousands of workers in a convoy to commemorate May Day almost clashed with police officers in Simpang Medan Industrial Area (KIM) I Jalan KL ODOT Km 10 Village Mabar, Medan Deli, Wednesday (1/5) morning.

Masses who are members of labor organizations was initially gathered from the intersection KIM I with hundreds of motorcycles. Approximately 10:15 pm, the mass slowly moving towards Medan Merdeka.

However most of them belonging to the SBSI-01, it broke away and moved toward the direction of Belawan that their actions directly confronted police officers with a number of Army personnel and Marines.

Although fenced calf coupled with blockade of police truck in Jalan KL ODOT, the mass of the speeches at the car pick up Belawan Port Police continue to urge them to allow the demo at Belawan.

Because requests are ignored officer, a pickup truck carrying workers stunt coordinator infiltrating officers broke through the barricade. The result is a pushing action between the two parties.

Furthermore officer immediately moved to secure the pickup driver who led a riot with the demonstrators. But not until the clashes because both parties can hold emotions.

Because it failed to move to the Port of Belawan, the workers were heading back towards the city of Medan. "We will report our ambush that wounded colleagues to the police," cried the orator workers.

In response, Police Commissioner Endro Belawan Port Kiswanto SH states, ready to be responsible for the ambush action. "The workers do not have permission to march to the Port of Belawan, so reluctantly confronted," he said.

In safeguarding workers' demo this time, police chief says as many as 700 personnel ranks Belawan Port Police also backed up in the ranks Poldasu deployed simultaneously to secure a vital object.

While from the Marines, according to Marine Lt. Col. Danyonmarhanlan I Agung Setiawan, the company has deployed 60 more troops were stationed at a number of points of vital objects well out of the driveway that day protesting workers.


While Jalinsum traffic headed out of the city of Medan, in particular in the area of ​​Tanjung Morawa was crawling on Wednesday (1/5). Although labor action lasted all day, but kamtibmas remains conducive.

Smooth the traffic disruption was due to the motorcade motorcycle convoy that carried two mass labor camps. The first camp is a combination of coordinated 20 trade alliance Genueri Gea frontman SBSI 1992 which focused action activities in the Field Garuda, Tanjung Morawa and SBMI group (of eight labor alliance) who prefer to express their aspirations to the government office.

Although different groups, they demanded that the central issue was almost the same, ie, refusing to demand the minimum wage a living wage, make 'May Day'sebagai national holiday, reject labor contracts (outsourcing), and reject the suppression of trade unions / labor.

Enliven Labor Day centered on Tiananmen Garuda Tanjung Morawa, hundreds of workers and police personnel sway ria to unwind. Accompanied by a single organ music, alternately singing dangdut women workers of the stage that is already available.

Monitoring analysis, call to action that has been started since Wednesday morning at approximately 06:00 am. Using a pick-up and loudspeakers, coordinator of action followed a board of trade alliances visited a number of factories in the area of ​​Jalan Batangkuis, Tanjung Morawa. They also had blocked the gate Medan Industrial Area (KIM) 19.5 Km Jalinsum Star in Tanjung Morawa. (Hen / ir / in / wan / br / maa / rio)