Business TPS While Required Provide

Business TPS While Required Provide

Medan, (Analysis). The residential area manager (developer), industrial and commercial in Medan will be required to provide facilities landfills (TPS) temporary and waste sorting facilities in the environment.
Special Committee of Council meeting Ranperda Waste Medan

This is revealed in the meeting of the Special Committee (Committee) Ranperda Waste in council buildings, Friday (13/3).

Meetings led by the Chairman of the Special Committee's Old Maruli Tarin attended several members of which Umi Kalsum, Rajuddin Sagala, Sahat Simbolon, Daniel Pinem and Parlaungan Simangungsong and Head of Department of Health Endar Sutan Lubis and from Medan Government Law Section Grace Doni.

He said the Chairman of the Special Committee that the provision requiring residential and commercial area manager was started from the discussion of Article 11 Ranperda Waste.

In the article it is mentioned, everyone in the management of waste from residential areas, komersiial area, industrial area, special areas, public facilities, social facilities and other facilities required to carry out waste sorting provide temporary landfills and waste management.


According to the Old Maruli, Article 11 was confusing because of the word "everyone". Maruli said, it will refer to all the people and every citizen may not be able to provide the selection of facilities and waste management.

In response, the Head of Health, Sutan Endar Lopez explained, this article is the adoption of Law No. 18 of 2008. He added that, indeed the obligation to provide sorting facilities, landfills and waste management while just to managers and other commercial settlements, while for households not required.

Mediate this problem, Grace Doni is the Head of the Legal Department of Medan Government offered to the article be split into two paragraphs.

Paragraph a, reads "Every person in the management of household waste and similar rubbish shall reduce and handle waste in a way that is environmentally sound".

"While paragraph b reads" business residential neighborhood commercial areas, industrial areas, special areas, public facilities, social facilities, and other facilities required to provide waste sorting facility ', "he added.

He also menerangkann matter of understanding of environmentally sound waste management can be added to the general provisions. The input accommodated Maruli Chairman of the Special Committee and the Old Tarin into consideration when the final discussion later. (Aru)