Business communities in KIM complains BPJS Services

Business communities in KIM complains BPJS Services

MartabeSumut , Medan Deli, Services Social Security Agency ( BPJS ) health in North Sumatra is still considered too complicated and long-winded . It is often the complaints of the workers , making it difficult to get health care . The assertion expressed businesses in Medan Industrial Area ( KIM ) , Tuesday ( 11/03/2014 ) .

Through the socialization of Social Security Pensions Employment in PT KIM District of Percut Sei Tuan , the workers questioned the refusal of the hospital . " Why be like that . Help expedited services and do not complicate BPJS participants , " said Farida Sembiring , Maraoke Permanent representative of PT Jaya . Not only Farida . Similar complaints also delivered Jihan , one other businesses operating in Medan Industrial Area . Jihan said, since the formation of BPJS , some workers complained diperusahaannya BPJS care when making claims of health in the hospital . They also complained about the procedures followed during this long . "On this issue we have to ask BPJS office . , But until now has not received a response . Fact, a letter sent by e - mail was not received an answer , " beber Jihan .

Responding to the complaint , the Head of Division (Head ) Division I Sumbagut BPJS Services , Rita , delivered an apology over the weaknesses that still appear in the services provided . He promised to improve the service system to make it better . " Above is a weakness in terms of service , we are sorry . Whereas before we had to socialize BPJS programs to hospitals , " said Rita in front of business people . For areas Sumatra itself , further Rita , the Governor has formed a special team to handle BPJS service . As for the hospital BPJS beneficiaries who refuse or do not provide services to participants BPJS card holders will be given sanctions . " Since December 2013 we have been socialized to the hospital . For North Sumatra province , the Governor also have formed a team , " he explained . The event BPJS with PT KIM and businessmen attended KIM Director of PT ( Persero ) Gandhi Tambunan , Bank Mandiri KCP Pulo Brayan , Mula and Head of Branch BPJS Belawan . ( MS / HR )