BNI to Provide Cash Management Services PT KIM

BNI to Provide Cash Management Services PT KIM

liputanBISNIS (MEDAN) - PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Tbk (Persero) provide cash management services to meet the banking system PT Medan Industrial Area (KIM) (Persero). In addition, BNI also offers cooperation with corporations operating in PT KIM for the virtual service delivery account.

The signing of the cooperation is carried out between the president director of PT KIM Gandhi D Tambunan with BNI CEO Johnny R Tampubolon Field Office and witnessed Commissioner (commute) PT KIM Nanan Abdillah, the board of directors of PT BNI Regional Office KIM and ranks at the Santika Hotel Medan, Medan.

President Director of PT KIM D Tambunan Gandhi said in his speech, it has long cooperated with BNI. "And working with the BNI so far has been pretty good. As well as the communication that exists between PT BNI KIM and runs well. We see the state-owned bank BNI is a trusted, "he explained in the Socialization of BNI Virtual Account and Cash Management System Signing of Agreement between PT Kawasan Industri Medan (Persero) and PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero).

The activity was also attended by the representatives of companies operating in KIM.

For the cooperation in the provision of cash management services such system, Gandhi said, will enable PT KIM in terms of financial management.

While CEO of BNI Regional Office of Medan Johnny R Tampubolon said it highly appreciated PT KIM who was willing to work with BNI. "We are very grateful to PT KIM who was willing to cooperate with the BNI, especially in the provision of financial solutions," he said.

Johnny R Tampubolon also said it is ready to support and cooperate with the tenant companies operating in KIM in the provision of financial solutions including virtual account.

"We are ready and support the efforts of tenants in PT KIM and ready to expand to support the business development of existing tenants in PT KIM," he said. [W1/mbc)