Bad weather, BMKG Community Ask alert when holidays

Bad weather, BMKG Community Ask alert when holidays

Medan, (AFP). Climatology Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Region I Field asks that people who perform year-end holidays will be wary of bad weather that occurred in Sumatra today.

"If the current BMKG observation that Sumatra is still in a state of bad weather. Means that the potential is high rainfall occur until later on New Year's Eve," said Head of Data and Information Service BMKG Region I Field, Hendra Suwarta to Analysis, Thursday (27/12) .

Hendra continued rain chance happening until the new year will between low rain to heavy rain. Chance of rain will occur in the afternoon until the evening.

Rain during the day was lower than in the evening. While the morning the weather is expected to remain cloudy.

The important thing to watch out for the holidays later is rain accompanied by strong winds and lightning which resulted in floods and landslides in some areas in North Sumatra.

"For the weather we expect that the field itself is still in the rain subsides capacity," he said.

For the West Coast such as Central Tapanuli, Madina, Sibolga predicted sea will rise up to three meters.

"The entire West Coast region is expected to rise of sea water up to three meters. For those people living in the area should be vigilant," he said.

Meanwhile, to the hills as Langkat, Deli Serdang, Berastagi and other hilly areas prone to landslides and floods.

"Usually people often vacation in the mountains and more. Then have to be aware of the bad weather. Any potential still likely to occur," he said. (ns)