Auditing to the Governor's Office by the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of PT.KIM

Auditing to the Governor's Office by the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of PT.KIM

Kantor Gubernur, 25 Januari 2021, bertempat di Rumah Dinas Gubernur Sumatera Utara, Jajaran Direksi PT.KIM yang Baru saja dilantik sesuai Keputusan Pemegang Saham PT.KIM diantaranya Bapak Ngurah Wirawan selaku Direktur Utama PT.KIM, Bapak Daly Mulyana Direktur Keuangan, SDM & Umum & Bapak M. Hita Tunggal Direktur Pengembangan dan Operasional dengan didampingi oleh Komisaris Utama PT.KIM Bapak Muhyan Tambuse dan Komisaris PT.KIM Bapak R.E. Nainggolan.

This audience was received directly by the Governor of North Sumatra, Mr. Edi Rahmayadi. This meeting also discussed plans for cooperation, especially in order to support the welfare of the community around PT.KIM and the development of activities in order to increase economic growth.