Aspeknas field management Supports New PT KIM

Aspeknas field management Supports New PT KIM

Medan, (Analysis). Chairman of the DPC Aspeknas (National Construction Association Executive) Medan, Gerald P Siahaan SH SE MM said he supports the new management of PT KIM new set-Owned Enterprises Ministry, last October.

It was announced by Gerald Siahaan told reporters, after an audience with the management of PT KIM, Monday (12/1). "We support the new management to further speed up the movement of investment and industry in North Sumatra," he said.

In hearings Mabar KIM Office, the board Aspeknas field consisting of the Chairman Gerald Siahaan, Secretary H Osa Iskandar Siregar ST, Treasurer Ade Sandrawati Purba, SH, MH, and Vice Chairman of Gunawan Damanik was greeted President Director of PT KIM R Acmad Boediono and Finance Director, HR & general R Ruli Adi.

On that occasion, Boediono said Achmad, directors KIM now is a new management with new management pattern with one purpose, to make changes to the industrial area which has competitiveness.

"Also attract investors to open businesses in KIM. How to improve the investors in the industrial areas that need improvement and for-improvement in the field of security, infrastructure, and others," he said.

He added, PT KIM also will improve service to the investors who have been and will be entered. Security is also one attention by performing "secure parking", so that all incoming access both personal vehicles and recorded CCTV.

"We also carry out cooperation and coordination with relevant parties." he said, adding, PT KIM is a vital object state because many companies both locally and internationally, so it must be protected.

R Ruli Adi added that the new management wants, KIM future conduct integrated service system, including in regard to obtaining permits rapid, accurate and efficient. "Hopefully there is good cooperation with the local government and Government Deliserdang field," he said.

He also hoped that outsourcing the management associated with well managed and conducted management KIM order Labor Law can be implemented properly. "So far, the company took outsouching itself, its own security, and others, but once there is a problem report to the management of PT KIM," he said.

In response, the Chairman of the parking system Aspeknas support KIM, because the system was controlled security. He also gave input so that no special treatment for the employee and the employee so that the cost of parking is not a burden.

"If there is cooperation or agreement related to parking that is already running but hit a problem, in order to act decisively. If need be canceled or create a new agreement, especially PT KIM does not depend on any institution in the field or Sumatra, because KIM under the auspices of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises," Gerald continued as he spoke of the roads and buildings that have been judged still inadequate. (sug)