Ask the Government Secure Apigas Sumatra Gas Industry

Ask the Government Secure Apigas Sumatra Gas Industry

Medan, 17/3 (Reuters) - Gas Users Association (Apigas) asked the government to secure the supply of gas for industrial purposes in North Sumatra.

"Operational 52 industries in North Sumatra are being threatened due to start April dwindling gas supplies even declared June PGN (State Gas Company) decreased again," said Chairman Johan Apigas Brien, in Medan. Sunday.

Of the 20 million metric standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) needs, today stayed 12 MMSCFD of gas supply and will go down again to 7 MMSCFD.

"Do not let the gas that will be produced in Langkat Pertamina EP is not for the industry," he said.

Industrial companies can not gas, then certainly the automatic operating difficulties also make the event of termination of employment (FLE) massive employee.

He emphasized that the industry is experiencing a dilemma because in tengajh gas crisis, employers also can not replace other sources for electricity is also in crisis.

While the use of coal still not optimal due to hit about waste issues are still categorized hazardous and toxic waste (B3) ..

"The problem of the gas crisis in the industry involves many interests including North Sumatra about the economy and investor confidence," he said.

Province of North Sumatra provincial secretary Nurdin Lubis said the government had asked the company to allocate a 10 MMSCFD gas to North Sumatra.

He said that the gas supply from the exploitation of the gas wells in the region Langkat.

The gas supply is planned around March to May 2013 so that the industry is not seriously impaired.

General Manager PGN SBU Region III, Mugianto admitted at 5 MMSCFD gas supply will run out in March because PGN do not get supply from PT Pertiwi National Resource (PNR).

Although, he said, PGN contract with the company was discharged in 2015.

Even if there are remaining 7 MMSCFD sourced from PT Pertamina EP (PEP), but is also expected to run out in June.

"Hopefully the gas is being produced PEP will be channeled to PGN and then distributed to the company's industry," he said.