Already Prosperous Workers in Indonesia? This answer Employers

Already Prosperous Workers in Indonesia? This answer Employers

Jakarta - Businessmen who are members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( Kadin ) assess , formal sector workers in Indonesia has entered the prosperous category . But not for the informal sector .
Kadin deputy chairman of the Public Policy , Fiscal and Monetary Hari Sukamdani revealed , workers in the formal sector assessed prosperous because their basic needs are met .

" In Indonesia, for already a decent wage in terms of the UMP ( the provincial minimum wage ) . Apart from the UMP also provided social security and health , and paid the largest portion of employers , workers pay only a small part . Health , retirement is also covered so that the welfare of the people do not No problem for the formal sector , "said Hari to detikFinance in Jakarta , Thursday ( 01/05/2014 ) .

However , Hari explained , well-being of workers in the formal sector is not matched by the workers in the informal sector are judged still very far from prosperous .

The problem of labor in the informal sector ketidaksejahteraan no other , because they do not receive social security and health . Such guarantees to be one of supporting the welfare of workers in Indonesia .

" According to the rules there should have been covered workers' welfare , basic needs must be met . Problem for middle class entrepreneurs down they can not meet the demand of the workers who always ask for a raise , " he explained .

Not only that , the government also needs to provide assurance to the community through the availability of jobs in the informal sector .

" Not all workers prosperous , prosperous only formal sector , the informal sector while not prosperous , one reason because the government does not expressly guarantee the sustainability of the society through employment . If you want to prosper it should open up opportunities the informal sector , " he said .

Hari adding , currently serving a majority of workers in Indonesia is still dominated infomal workers , formal sector occupies only 30-35 % of all existing workers .

" Currently serving formal sector workers occupy 30-35 % of all workers means that there are still many gaps of informal sector workers who are not yet able to say sejahera , there's no social security , the government must be able to think about it , " he said .
( drk / dnl )