70 Java Entrepreneurs Find Business Partners in North Sumatra Efforts Spur Regional Economic Growth

70 Java Entrepreneurs Find Business Partners in North Sumatra Efforts Spur Regional Economic Growth

Medan, (Analysis). A total of 70 entrepreneurs in East Java (East Java) looking for business partners in North Sumatra (North Sumatra), to offer cooperation in many leading products in the field of development of food processing, garment and agricultural products.

This was raised in the "One on One Bussiness Meeting Business to Business (B2B)" initiated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) two regions at the Santika Hotel Medan, Tuesday (4/6) in an effort to spur economic growth respectively.

As many as 150 entrepreneurs who are members of the North Sumatra Chamber of Commerce attended the meeting to interact directly with the entrepreneurs of East Java.

Gubsu H.Gatot Pujo Nugroho represented by Assistant II Economic Affairs, Hj.Sabrina Lubis in his speech opening the event, the steps taken so mengapreasiasi entrepreneurs these Java.

It is said, it is time local governments provide support to employers in order to encourage the growth and development of business, in facing the ASEAN free trade area by 2015 and the success of the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development (MP3EI).

Sabrina put sympathy on policy Provincial Government (Provincial) Java provide full support to the entrepreneurs, so that economic growth in the region was able to reach 7.27 percent in 2012.

It was the highest growth in Indonesia, while Sumatra itself only able to achieve economic growth rate 6.20 percent.

With a population of 38 million people, ten percent of whom are entrepreneurs, assessed Java is an area that should be the benchmark to further encourage economic growth Sumatra toward a better future.

As expressed by the Head of Department of Industry and Trade (Kadisperindag) Java, Budi Setiawan, thanks to the support of local government bailouts, the last year the business area was able grossed up to Rp301 trillion of inter-island trade.


Mentioned, the success was not independent of the various facilities provided East Java provincial government, so that the entrepreneur is able to explore and take advantage of business development opportunities nicety.

Including expanding a partnership with the business community across the region, where the province of North Sumatra, 17th-invited to collaborate on mutually beneficial business switch.

The same thing also expressed by the Deputy Chairman of Chamber of Commerce of East Java, Diar Kusuma Putra as he put a sense of optimism Sumatra businesses will be able to grow and evolve into a better direction if Pemprovsu strongly supports the development of various types of businesses, given the area's natural resources (SDA ) are abundant.

By looking at the opportunities that precisely Java entrepreneurs feel compelled to look for business partners in North Sumatra, because through mutually beneficial cooperation opportunities for the opportunity can be utilized to the fullest.

Much to learn

Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of North Sumatra Banking and Capital, Syafruddin Siregar said, Sumatra entrepreneurs should learn from the success achieved Java business world.

It is said, in the future should be more open Pemprovsu promote the progress of the business in this area, instead of tend to impede progress by maintaining a convoluted bureaucratic system.

"Sumatra is actually far superior to Java, especially of natural resources owned, but due to the lack of government-supported local entrepreneurs progress being choked," said Syfruddin hoping Pemprovsu pleased push forward the growth and development of 2.5 million Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), which is likely to still be going nowhere due to lack of promotion and access to capital.

In the presence of the Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce ranks of other North Sumatra, as Khairul Mahalli, Isfan F.Fachruddin, Dayan Sutomo, Ade Putra Pandana Nasution, Loulembah Taufiq and President and Executive Director Hendra Diaz WK, the show lasted a full sense of family and success. (Rama)